Even the Amharas now have a national movement. The motto of National Movement of Amhara (NAMA0 reads: “one Amhara for All Amhara; all Amhara for one Amhara”. Ensuring the interests of Amhara are not compromised and defending ethnic Amhara’s from ethnic-based attacks in different parts of Ethiopia is expected to be the priority of the party. Weaking and attacking ethnic Amhara, say, proponents of the movement, has been essentially a crucial component of the political ideology of Tigray People’s Liberation Front which is believed to have directly and indirectly orchestrated numerous attacks on ethnic Amharas in different parts of Ethiopia. Amhara activists believe nearly five million ethnic Amhara people have been exterminated in what seemed to be a grand depopulating strategy of TPLF.
Recently, members of ethnic Amhara Ethiopians have been victims of the ethnic-based attack in regions like Benshangul and Oromo region of Ethiopia. This week alone, for example, at least 20 ethnic Amhara have been killed in Qelem district of Wollega in Oromo region, according toAmnesty International report which called for the government to defend victims of “escalating ethnic attacks.”
One Amhara for All Amhara; all Amhara for one Amhara kulahaa these niggas gotta be joking
Recently, members of ethnic Amhara Ethiopians have been victims of the ethnic-based attack in regions like Benshangul and Oromo region of Ethiopia. This week alone, for example, at least 20 ethnic Amhara have been killed in Qelem district of Wollega in Oromo region, according toAmnesty International report which called for the government to defend victims of “escalating ethnic attacks.”
One Amhara for All Amhara; all Amhara for one Amhara kulahaa these niggas gotta be joking