Amharic video promo about Aw-Barre city, Harawo

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Didn't see the whole video but it is just talking about the history of the place and how it has changed over the years.

It dates back to the Adal period and possibly has ancient Somali roots.

What do you mean changed? Is the Ethiopians trying to claim Somali history? :kodaksmiley:

Please accept my apologies of behalf of all decent Somalis. This website isn't a reflection of how we are.

This forum attracts the most ignorant undesirables of our society.

Once again, we Somalis are not racist against our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia. In every foreign country we treat each other like family. Most of these imbeciles are just rolls.

Once again, accept my apology of behalf of decent Somalis everywhere.
It dates back to the Adal period and possibly has ancient Somali roots.

What do you mean changed? Is the Ethiopians trying to claim Somali history? :kodaksmiley:

:comeon: change as in developments...must you be combative. Unlike you, Ethiopians understand intersectionality and being Somali and Ethiopian are not mutually exclusive. The show just highlighted a city in Ethiopia, whoes inhabitants happen to be Somali Ethiopians. They would do the same in Gambella or Mekelle.


:comeon: change as in developments...must you be combative. Unlike you, Ethiopians understand intersectionality and being Somali and Ethiopian are not mutually exclusive. The show just highlighted a city in Ethiopia, whoes inhabitants happen to be Somali Ethiopians. They would do the same in Gambella or Mekelle.

No such thing as Ethio-Somali ma'am. The Somali territory in Ethiopia is illegally occupied that will one day be liberated, keep that in mind.
:pacspit:Another Xaarbashi has come. Get your stinky ass out of here.
:comeon: change as in developments...must you be combative. Unlike you, Ethiopians understand intersectionality and being Somali and Ethiopian are not mutually exclusive. The show just highlighted a city in Ethiopia, whoes inhabitants happen to be Somali Ethiopians. They would do the same in Gambella or Mekelle.



Please accept my apologies of behalf of all decent Somalis. This website isn't a reflection of how we are.

This forum attracts the most ignorant undesirables of our society.

Once again, we Somalis are not racist against our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia. In every foreign country we treat each other like family. Most of these imbeciles are just rolls.

Once again, accept my apology of behalf of decent Somalis everywhere.
:chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah: Funny guy
I expected you to throw me under the bus because you're caping for Xaarbashis. Your Somali card has already been revoked. Maybe if you start teaching Xaarbashis how to cook meat and save them from salmonella they will consider you a hero.
I'd gladly throw you under the bus for this decent girl that your insulting. Your a disgrace.

Go worship your black dindu nuffins elsewhere

These people are too kind to your ilk.
:pacspit: By the end of the day you will make an account on mereja.
I have been here longer then your respect newbie:lolbron:
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