Amin Amir tells difference between 1982 and 2016

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Hassan Sheikh is a special case. The only president to sell his dignity in public for pennies, only president to pimp 14 year olds posing as adults to into sex slavery, only president to take tonnes and tonnes of literal qashin off someone's hands. Then people wonder why every region in Somalia is now declaring autonomy. Who wants someone like that having influence over your region?
Its not fair to only give credit to Darood for 1982 since all Somalis were united behind Siyad Barre in 82. And all Somalis need to take the shame in 2016 since Xassan Shaikh can not govern a country if the entire Darood tribe is refusing to stand behind him. When that is said Xassan Shaikh is scum.


Who can stand behind him? He's a piece of shit. Xawaadle refuse to be bought through Hawiyenimo. Who wants that shame attached to them bc of clan? Darod and everyone who distances themselves from HSM are totally justified.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Sometimes I think s tend to not even know their own history. Before Siad there was Hawiye 1st Prime Minister and 1st President to rule for 7 years and the 1st African president to step down peacefully. Hawiye waa rageedi


Suicidal men adore me.
The fact that people are voting based on clan is so stupid. How about we stop caring about qabil and what the person can do for the country?

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Imagine an Cad Cad somali president :dead::dead1: Just think about how his speeches would sound:chrisfreshhah: Reer waqooyi would rebel right away. "War mucjisdan bal dhageysta,Jaw. Nin aan luuqada garanayn ino maamuli maayee, waryaadhaheen kacaa":damn::deadosama:
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