AMISOM troops say if a somali women is not married by 20. Then……

I was thinking more like al sabah family or al saud. Horta how do hashemites claim to descend from the prophet when he had no surviving sons? Through his daughter? I swear thats not legitimate islamically. 🤔
Realistically, the Prophet's sons are dead, so there is no one in direct lineage. His cousin Ali married his daughter Fatima, and there are the majority of the Hawasheem who are descended from them. I think I agree with you. I even wonder about the hadith of the Prophet's family that they do not take zakat. I mean, to me, the Prophet's family are only his "children". Therefore, the argument does not apply to Ali


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Realistically, the Prophet's sons are dead, so there is no one in direct lineage. His cousin Ali married his daughter Fatima, and there are the majority of the Hawasheem who are descended from them. I think I agree with you. I even wonder about the hadith of the Prophet's family that they do not take zakat. I mean, to me, the Prophet's family are only his "children". Therefore, the argument does not apply to Ali
I call this islamic mental gymnastics. The prophets sons didnt survive his lineage ended so they jump to the closest association they can have to claim him. The banu hashems always talk about how they come from fatima not ali
R u shia! 😦
The Nawasib are not Shiites. No, they love Muawiyah and hate Ali. They believe that Muawiyah was more deserving of the caliphate than Ali and had his justifications. They see Ali as someone who wants the caliphate because he is the cousin of the Prophet. They even said that he was the one who planned to kill Uthman ibn Affan (رضي الله عنه)


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
The Nawasib are not Shiites. No, they love Muawiyah and hate Ali. They believe that Muawiyah was more deserving of the caliphate than Ali and had his justifications. They see Ali as someone who wants the caliphate because he is the cousin of the Prophet. They even said that he was the one who planned to kill Uthman ibn Affan (رضي الله عنه)
Nah you said nawasib, shias call us that. Btw what madhab you follow?
If Somaliland loses ssc because we don't know the future than ssc should succeed and become a self declared country and self govern themselves like Somaliland. But ofcourse as much as I want, them to be part of Somaliland and i hope they do, but I can't predict the future and the direction can go anywhere. Sometimes, not the way you want it to go.
most likely they will join back. There going broke apparently, the diaspora cash is drying up fast lol.

