An Arabic script is better than Osmanya. Facts.

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We must use the namekian script :fittytousand:
Why go through the hassle to change something that works for us?

It's not worth the cost to switch scripts, since the Latin script works largely fine for us.
I disagree, why have an Arab script when we are supposed to minimise their influence? And also the Arabic script doesn't contain ALL Somali sounds ex. they don't have a G sound whiles we do.
It physically hurts me to see Somali written in Latin. The old Wadaad script was perfect. It even had letters created solely for Somali.
You can’t deny such beauty!
I suggest we just improve the script we already use. Less cost, more literacy.

Nonetheless we can still admire the old Wadaad script, since it's part of our rich heritage.


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
I disagree, why have an Arab script when we are supposed to minimise their influence? And also the Arabic script doesn't contain ALL Somali sounds ex. they don't have a G sound whiles we do.
Look at Iran. Iranians will beat your ass if you call them Arab. Still they use an Arabic script. They have specialized it to their language. We can to, people already learn Arabic for religious reasons. It’ll help out with reading and writing.


How would it work though, exactly? We had to change the arrangement and phonetics of the Latin alphabet to fit our tongue---how will we alter the Arabic language to fit our own tongue? I believe something called Somali Arabic already exists, but I'm not entirely sure of how it works nor how mainstream it is. This plan would work nicely if enough people could rally behind it.


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
How would it work though, exactly? We had to change the arrangement and phonetics of the Latin alphabet to fit our tongue. How will change the Arabic language to fit our language? I believe something called Somali Arabic already exists, but I'm not entirely sure of how it works nor how mainstream it is. This plan would work nicely if enough people could rally behind it.
The Wadaad script already has its own unique letters. I believe that is what your talking about. I feel it could work. Most Somalis learn the Arabic alphabet for religious reasons and then learn the Latin one for school. Sticking with one alphabet helps out with learning faster. Plus writing in Latin makes every word longer. It’s an eyesore :susp:
Look at Iran. Iranians will beat your ass if you call them Arab. Still they use an Arabic script. They have specialized it to their language. We can to, people already learn Arabic for religious reasons. It’ll help out with reading and writing.

Iran is a shit hole and is so because of the influence imposed by the Arabs. By having their script as the official one you are creating a tie with the Arab world. Somalia should be as independent and culturally and linguistically encouraging as possible. Learning how to read Arabic for religious purposes is one thing but making it the official script is a bit extreme if you ask me.
Instead, why don't we construct an official Somali script our self and promote that?

These are beautiful scripts:

Borama script

Kaddare script:



Osmanya script:


osmanya script
The Wadaad script already has its own unique letters. I believe that is what your talking about. I feel it could work. Most Somalis learn the Arabic alphabet for religious reasons and then learn the Latin one for school. Sticking with one alphabet helps out with learning faster. Plus writing in Latin makes every word longer. It’s an eyesore :susp:

Is this the waadad script you're talking about?


Iran is a shit hole and is so because of the influence imposed by the Arabs. By having their script as the official one you are creating a tie with the Arab world. Somalia should be as independent and culturally and linguistically encouraging as possible. Learning how to read Arabic for religious purposes is one thing but making it the official script is a bit extreme if you ask me.

If I had a penny every time someone on Sspot blamed the Arabs for dynamic and complex situations that have little to nothing to do with them, I would be a damn millionaire :wow:The problem of Al-Shabaab? The Arabs. Somalia's poverty? The Arabs. I stubbed my toe today? The Arabs.


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
Iran is a shit hole and is so because of the influence imposed by the Arabs. By having their script as the official one you are creating a tie with the Arab world. Somalia should be as independent and culturally and linguistically encouraging as possible. Learning how to read Arabic for religious purposes is one thing but making it the official script is a bit extreme if you ask me.
We already have ties to the Arab world. Somali has tons of Arabic loan words, we are literally in the Arab league. For now at least cutting ties with Arab world probably won’t happen anytime soon.
Plus Iran is way better than many Arab countries. Yes the Islamic invasion of the Sassanid empire caused great destruction, but great poets like Rumi and the Epic Shanemah would not have existed without Arab influence.
Using a alphabet doesn’t mean you just lost your national identity. We use the Latin alphabet and I’m pretty sure most Somalis back home don’t think much of it.
In terms of efficiency the Arabic script is just better. Why learn two alphabets when you can learn one.
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