Anime movies

What are underrated anime movies that you like ?
Neon Genesis Evangelion rebuild movies are overhated tbh, i enjoyed them. It's 4 movies: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 3.0+1.0 thrice upon a time. It's like an alternate storyline to the original anime (Neon Genesis Evangelion) and the movie after the show (End of Evangelion). It deviates from the Neon Genesis Evangelion tv show in the 2.0 movie. Has a pretty wholesome ending compared to the original. I still think the original is better but the rebuild movies don't get enough credit.
Just watched this last night "Hero Academia: You're Next" it was good
if you havent already watched Satoshi Kon's movies, then tap in. Personally my favorite anime movie is Angel's egg and NGE: End of Evangelion but you gotta watch the show first


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