Another reason why Somalis are not trusted by the general public

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Minneapolis (AFP) - The Somali community in the US state of Minnesota braced for a backlash after a man who stabbed 10 people in a mall over the weekend was identified as one of their own.

The FBI is investigating the Saturday attack in the city of St. Cloud as a potential act of terrorism. Authorities late Monday officially identified the attacker as Dahir Ahmed Adan.

Police said he was 20 years old, but local newspaper reports and community leaders said he was 22.


Like come on. At least have some consistency in your lies. If his govt ID that was taken out of his pocket by police says 20, then say he's 20. What's with the 22? Why bring up the terrorist's real age? You're making the government suspicious now that he may have claimed a younger age in the past so it's harder to remove him from the country if he commits a crime since he would be a minor (which he did and now he dead). Somalis got that part right lol

The Somali community is exposing this secret to the American people.

This is what happens when you bring a bunch of unprepared camera shy fobs who just want some air time to make it seem like they are community leaders so they can get govt grants for their "community organizations" but is really to pay for a villa in Nairobi

The world is well aware that Africans including Somalis lie about their age. It’s a running joke, especially when talking Nigerians footballers. This isn’t fresh news. Also do you understand other ethnic communities commit way more shady crimes than Somalis right?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
We are eating eachother alive just cause we're from different tribes & this fruity Somali coon is worried about the general public, war yaa ilaahay yaaqan :oh6b81q:
The world is well aware that Africans including Somalis lie about their age. It’s a running joke, especially when talking Nigerians footballers. This isn’t fresh news. Also do you understand other ethnic communities commit way more shady crimes than Somalis right?



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Weligay Maxa u heyste ina qumo lut kuli ina laa wada leeyey laakinse waakana mid oo weli soo tagan balayoda baas kani mid xariiyo Ma u eeko ee hada tihiin maryoole inta gacmaha iiis qabsada oo Hal meel kaso wada jeesta ee ninkan oo jahiilka ah gacan biir ha iskala qabto.
Weligay Maxa u heyste ina qumo lut kuli ina laa wada leeyey laakinse waakana mid oo weli soo tagan balayoda baas kani mid xaariyo Ma u eeko ee hada tihiin maryoole inta gacmaha iiis qabsada oo Hal meel kaso wada jeesta ee ninkan oo jahiilka ah gacan biir ha iskala qabto.

The only gacmo qabso going on is Somalis walking with me in the Pride Parade.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Ninkan u jeedo gaar ah bu wata oo weliba qarson sidi spyga camal war ilaahay hadu ku roon yahay fardheeratey bu ku noqdey ummada somali'eed ee ilaahay kan hanaa dhaafiyo inkar qaboha.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Once a Somali finds out that you're gay then they won't even refer to you by your name, they'll be like war kii qaniska ahaa weeye kkkk


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I beg to differ.

I've had so much Somali fluids that I am biologically more of a Somali than Samaale himself.
Bradar your walk, the way you talk, your feminity iyo dress code say otherwise, don't get it twisted maryoole will spot it from a mile away.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I bet you wear mascara & bhati strutting around like you're on a catwalk with high heels you batty crease
Yeah & ive got London Bridge on sale, don't insult my intelligence you daffodil kkkk

You had the opportunity to meet the legend a few weeks ago. I was feared while roaming the streets of Camden, Harlesden, Wembley and Woolwich. I was commented on regarding my strong upper body. I looked more of a straight man than almost all Somalis I've met and seen


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You had the opportunity to meet the legend a few weeks ago. I was feared while roaming the streets of Camden, Harlesden, Wembley and Woolwich. I was commented on regarding my strong upper body. I looked more of a straight man than almost all Somalis I've met and seen
Wallahi a while back I saw this khanis mofo dressed like a khanis so he must be a khanis, anyway he was with the chubby lightskinned girl in this petrol station in Chiswick, he dressed like an emo platform shoes all black like some gothic shit, his walk was feminine likewise the way he talked, I was posted in the wipe think should I record this dude & post it on here cause I honestly thought it was you.
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