Any of you involved with the Somali youth?

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So, I was interested in how Somalis are doing in the west especially our youth. So I was wondering if any of you volunteer in the community on helping out the Somali youth on school and career paths?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I avoid the youth in this city like they're the plague. Of all races, ethnicities and creeds.
We don't have anything set up plus I wouldn't be welcomed since I don't wear hijab :zhqjlmx:
Yeah, that could be a problem. Maybe Somali college organizations/clubs are more likely to be open to non-hijabi's compare to the average Somali organization.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
So, I was interested in how Somalis are doing in the west especially our youth. So I was wondering if any of you volunteer in the community on helping out the Somali youth on school and career paths?
We have a free after school tutor program in my hometown where we help kids and FOBs with school, subjects like swedish, english, math, civics and science. I know some folks from my uni started one for kids in my new city, I've been there a few times but since I'm working aswell as studying I can't be there as much unfortunately.
Other than that I have set myself up as being some kind of career advicer for kids in my old neighbourhood. Usually when I'm home during breaks from uni, I catch them during a football game and we have som moments of real talk about studying and what they want to do in the future and such. One sad thing is that some of the clearly haven't had someone having such a talk with them or anyone really expecting something out of them. I also give them some help if they're interested in a certain career by directing them to a friend either in that studying or working in that field.

Actually me and some friends from uni are thinking about doing something the uni in my hometown did earlier this year by inviting a somali(my dads friend lol) professor(Industrial Management Engineering) at Swedens top engineering uni, to inspire immigrant students(mainly somali) and the state will pay for his hotel and speech expenses.

A tip I can give you is to start small and reach out to the somalis in your uni first and even some high school students, tell them about your idea and set up a Facebook group. Then have a meeting and brainstorm, look for and talk with other existing organisations and see if you can aid them in their work and if they do not then create one. It will be hard work so you shouldn't do it unless you're really sure so as to not waste people's time but if you're in it for the long run then mashallah. A very important tip, make sure to have things in place and be transparent to prevent embezzlement of funds and make it VERY clear that anyone bringing qabyaalad is welcome to leave.

We don't have anything set up plus I wouldn't be welcomed since I don't wear hijab :zhqjlmx:
Must be a local thing, where I live we've had folks not wearing any and nobody batting an eye.
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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
We have somali professional network events that targets young somali students in colleges and unis. It has been successful so far and it inspired a lot of young people.


Queen of the light
We don't have anything set up plus I wouldn't be welcomed since I don't wear hijab :zhqjlmx:
Same I'm afraid you get excluded if you don't conform to a certain image regardless of one's religion beliefs it is the exterior image they put more emphasis on. I'm more lucky I have somali freinds who accept me for me
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