Idk what has happened recently but anyone claiming those regions independent are just scared bancoon lovers who would rather hold pride and patriotism for a mere region rather than you're history, culture, what many ppl were killed for and yet you ( certain individuals with ideologies cancer to our society) want to go your separate ways like cowards who don't choose to fight and me being a person full of pride not arrogance can't allow for bad apples to spoil the bunch meaning idc about you're gd intentions for you're mere regions and help (come together and build bridges) the country as a whole (greater Somalia not no mere region). Why should anyone here think they can just do as they please quit with the anarchy and come together not separating and drawing lines between one another and if you're still dumb enough to want some merger between 2 States and sell 1 out or for those 2 regions to go their separate ways are worse than subhuman habeshit zioshit scum anyone who isn't agreeing on no unified Somali Weyn needs their Somali pass revoked and just become a bancoon.
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