Anyone Got Solar Installed


Has anyone installed Solar, I'm making the move and want to make sure I get good value for money(I'm a xasid by nature I don't like to expensive and it's unused or to cheap and it can't be fully used or breaks down). I want good bang for buck as I am a value orientated person at a quantum level across my whole being whether it's biological, atomic, conscious, mind, spirituality. I demand return on investment based on value not on cheating, scams, win loss, or trumpian rat race mentality.

So if U have any suggestions don't suggest shit to me just cause others are doing it or it looks cool or other pathetic selling points. The areas I want covered is.

1. Materials used and it's quality across panels, batteries, invertors
2. How much input energy from sun across day and seasons vs output to my house needs plus conversion loss. I can provide my energy usage per day, month, quarter. year
3. Warranty on panel, battery performance and installer workmanship

I did research on google but as u know in this fake information era were in, ppl read reviews with a big grain of salt as it can be manipulated by paying off google to optimise your search result ranking even if your shit company cause money talks. reviews can be cooked up while heaps of good companies may not even be registered with google and we could be losing gems while choosing between shit companies on google reviews.

I'm a paranoid schizophrenic so I'm always super cautious to the point obsessive as my mind is to plan, plan, plan for the worst and hope for the best only cause if things do turn out ok then cool U had nothing to worry about but if it don't well I got plans nigga not just a, b, c pathetic linear logic nigga I'm an artist but even have nests and scales and options inside each A and B and C to respond and execute the most effective option when needed to save my ass in time loss or financial loss or physical, mental. Spiritual losses.

I'm reer nugaal we don't f*ck around with time, money, or any loss across our life. Plus I'm Osman Mahmoud we also got brains from boqortoyo. Plus we r bah dubays We just as shrewd as leelkase, warsangeli, sheikhaal, awrtable, murusade or any small clan since we r small clan inside Osman Mahmoud knowing how they operate on quality over quantity we adopted in nugaal, plus we know how large jifi operate on faan due to quantity and their weakness opens up on quality of their quantity.

So don't try your fkd Iyo sixir crap with me cause all I'm gonna tell U is nigga I gave U 1 hour or my time and all I got from U was gossip ass nigga U off my calling list

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See I plan for the worst blasting niggas who attempt to come in and derail as I want honest opinions on anyone solar experience or if they know anyone who has done it and their lived experience and regrets so I can save myself repeating their mistake.

But due to my mental Illness I am obsessive over not wasting time due to life being short cause the way I see it is, it's better talking to an animal or plant who is doing something useful in the world then some nacas ass nigga just wasting his life and others with negativity.
Bro wrote an essay
but anyways Solar is a good idea in increasing home value, I dont have solar but Theres a huge forum formatted like this one dedicated to solar called

This will answer your questions Guaranteed, also this is by the people and the owner dosent take sponsors so your getting the real info.


Cherry red Ferrari for free!
@DR OSMAN Are you thinking of installing them back home or where you live currently?

I watched this very informative video from MKBHD a while back not entirely Tesla focused, but also gives you an idea of Solar at home in general:

Could be well worth the investment in Somalia since we got an abundance of daylight throughout the whole year. There are many Somali-operated freight forwarders, so shipping isn't an issue, nor is tax. And there are good technicians who know how to install these.


I'm still researching solar and not convinced just yet. Most energy usage happens around evening hours and batteries are totally unaffordable and the payback period is 10 years while warranty is 10 years you may not even see the positive returns post 10 years as it may break down on the 11th year.

Solar is ok for commercial and industrial but no-way residential usage as most people Monday to Friday are not even at home till evening time and by then solar without battery is useless and even battery cost vs payback period is 10 years and U may not even see positive net gains as they start post 10 year mark and the warranty on them ends there.

The only thing that's rushing me is we have federal govt rebates and local govt rebates. The federal one declines each year 10% from 2020 untill 2030. The eligibility list is getting narrower also for the local govt rebate.

I'm just worried by 2030 their will be no rebates or discounts plus our stupid govt wants to produce them locally thinking they can compete with China. Locally made solar will always be double what china made is. In the USA they pay a whopping 2k per kw of solar system while we pay 1k per kw solar system, why? They have tariffs on china so ppl pay double the price to purchase made in America which is their govt interfering in trade and breaking the free market principle.

So essentially what is a 6k system here due to no trade tariffs on china over in the USA is 12k. f*ck MAGA stupid economics which has found its way here. Locally made things with the cost to produce overheads locally make it twice the price of Chinese made. I also love locally made untilI I see the stupid prices.
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