Arab from USA buys house in Garowe.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Puntland capital garowe January 4 2025
Garowe is the best place to invest in Somalia for these reasons;

1. Safety
2. Nice weather/clean air
3.There is no culture of stealing land/houses etc.
4. It is very clean
5. Modern, gated neighbourhoods being developed- so you can leave your house without worrying about getting a house sitter.

Just wait until the health sector is bolstered and I foresee it being a hotspot for diasporan Somalis who flee the West.
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He looks Syrian. Maybe he heard about it from his kin in the country and decided to invest

Arabs have always migrated to Somali countries. It's underreported how many Asians come to our country as opposed to the other way round. And it's been happening since time immemorial.

I don't mind Syrians, as long as their credentials are checked and they don't try to enter our politics.


Garowe is the best place to invest in Somalia for these reasons;

1. Safety
2. Nice weather/clean air
3.There is no culture of stealing land/houses etc.
4. It is very clean
5. Modern, gated neighbourhoods being developed- so you can leave your house without worrying about getting a house sitter.

Just wait until the health sector is bolstered and I foresee it being a hotspot for diasporan Somalis who flee the West.

There no checkpoints with red eyed moryans who lack any talent in life to succeed so turn to high way robbery. But all the things you listed is all Puntland not unique to Garowe.


Two new modern towns being built on the outskirts of Garowe

1. Amal City

2. Samo Wanaag

Let's not go down this route of real estate(false facades of development), development is measured in HDI indexes and only metrics used is electricity coverage per population ratio, clean treated water to the population ratios, education and health quality and access levels, infrastructure like roads, ports, airports drainage, sewages which is known as the hard infrastructure.

Market development cannot be achieved untill those HDI indexes are high. Yes there is 12 trillion excess capital sitting in global exchanges as 100 trillion is already invested. I hope we can prepare our locals as the most investment ready population, so millions of puntites all have big wallets while the ones who focused on real estate only targets maybe 1000 population while the masses are empty wallets. πŸ˜†

This touches the lives of millions where as real estate touches the lives of a small few.


She’s welcome at the end of the day we are all Somalis regardless of regions

Definitely no real issues socially(even tho some desperately try to add social animosity layer to it). The issue is about politics and power, once that issue isn't present social relations are fine. The issue of politics is really grounded in(lack of trust) as they assume your family or clan will benefit at the expense of the rest or that u may use state forces to harm them. This can only be solved thru rule of law nothing else, as the law must be supreme to family, individual, or clan interests.

PPL assume clan interest is the only faulty thing in Somali politics, where as the reality is individual or family interest is now playing a bigger role then clan interest(as clan is used as backup for some duli who is securing his personal or family benefits).
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