Arabian Cushites?

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
Additionally, Militarev identified a Cushitic substratum in Modern South Arabian, which he proposes is evidence that Cushitic speakers originally inhabited the Arabian Peninsula alongside Semitic speakers (Militarev 1984, 18-19; cf. also Belova 2003). According to Václav Blažek, this suggests that Semitic peoples assimilated their original Cushitic neighbours to the south who did not later emigrate to the Horn of Africa. He argues that the Levant would thus have been the Proto-Afro-Asiatic Urheimat, from where the various branches of the Afro-Asiatic family subsequently dispersed. To further support this, Blažek cites analysis of rock art in Central Arabia by Anati (1968, 180-84), which notes a connection between the shield-carrying "oval-headed" people depicted on the cave paintings and the Arabian Cushites from the Old Testament, who were similarly described as carrying specific shields.[5]

ince ejectives occur in the languages of the Cushitic group (Bedawye, Agaw, Saho-'Afar, Sidamo, Galla, and Somali),^ but have not so far been recorded for the Semitic languages outside the Ethiopian area, it might reasonably be concluded that this was a N.E. African rather than a Semitic phenomenon.^ It is of interest for this argument that recent field work carried out by the writer in Socotra and Oman shows that ejectives occur in the Modern South Arabian languages, namely Mehri, Harsûsi, áheri and Socotri. Experimental work done with Mr. J. Camochan of the Department of Phonetics and Linguistics of S.O.A.S., with the help of a native speaker, has confirmed the position in regard to Mehri.


i thaught we came from north sudan then migrated to south finally landning at north somalia

The Arabia theory is bogus, no strong evidence. Arabia was Semitic for a long ass time.

Cushitic origins from the Egypt-Sudan border Nile Valley to Northeast Sudan theory is the only legit one.

Cushitic loanwords in South Semitic can be explained by trade between Habeshas and Yemenis in ancient times.

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
The Arabia theory is bogus, no strong evidence. Arabia was Semitic for a long ass time.

Cushitic origins from the Egypt-Sudan border Nile Valley to Northeast Sudan theory is the only legit one.

Cushitic loanwords in South Semitic can be explained by trade between Habeshas and Yemenis in ancient times.
Thanks for explaining


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
lol your making yourself sound like an wise old woman

I have been made matronly and accepted my fate as a mother hen figure. I'd prefer being seen as the cool very young aunt but my ex-cyber children won't allow me to escape the hooyo label.

