Arabs are fed up with UK Muslims trying to mimick their language

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
go to these posts and read the quotes. The number of Ls UK Muslims bring to themselves by being Ultimate Begs is very humiliating. Why are they so obsessed with this Ummah and Caliphate Bulshit? The Arabs despise them.


Internet Nomad

Its cringe I understand when it’s religious terminology but non related terms have no reason to copy when there is a perfect word for it in the language your speaking.


Coping through the 1st world
These Muslims are ruining my UK. Why can’t they just behave like Muslim Americans. Have you also realise they produce actual terrorist groups and chant hatful rhetorics?

These people are different.
go to these posts and read the quotes. The number of Ls UK Muslims bring to themselves by being Ultimate Begs is very humiliating. Why are they so obsessed with this Ummah and Caliphate Bulshit? The Arabs despise them.

I saw one saying it's forbidden for non-Arab Muslims to be using Arabic words 🤣


Coping through the 1st world
Why are the muslims in Europe different from us in North America ?

Three words: school of thoughts

They have their own school of thoughts that are funded by the Whahabi Saudis. They have their own extreme teachings.

read this wiki article: and learn where they got this extreme thinking from.

I don’t think all Muslims outside that cursed island and Europeans are like this. Muslim Americans should be a good example on how to act and behave. But these European Muslims are out of touch. So I ain’t gonna say much.
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This brother hates the UK
calm down sxb it’s just Desis
go to these posts and read the quotes. The number of Ls UK Muslims bring to themselves by being Ultimate Begs is very humiliating. Why are they so obsessed with this Ummah and Caliphate Bulshit? The Arabs despise them.

These rice bag converts ruined the imagine of western muzzies. Glad they’re getting dragged

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
how many times are ppl going to run with "this is what this-and-this ethnicity thinks- we know cuz of some english language posts on twitter"... ppl on social media do not necessarily represent the ordinary ppl in rl


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
@Laiss If you qashin me, @me as well. Why is it that if I use the Arabic language you murtads get angry but we can all use English and hold hands whilst singing kumbaya?

(Hint: It’s because y’all hate anything that connects us with Islam)


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
how many times are ppl going to run with "this is what this-and-this ethnicity thinks- we know cuz of some english language posts on twitter"... ppl on social media do not necessarily represent the ordinary ppl in rl

Broad generalizations are fair when it comes to any stereotype you hear because stereotypes are the truth.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
When I found out the direct modern translation of nikkah in MSA I started just using guur :damn: :dead:

