Are cadaans color blind? Because they keep screaming they see NO color!

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I am sick and tired of cadaans whether they're republicunts or Democrazy, they keep screaming that they don't see color when it comes to race. Really fucker? You don't see color? What do you see then?
And the audacity of them trying to make that lie come true.

SSpot are you racist when it comes to certain ethnicities, race, skin tone?


Not your typical Farah
I think when certain people, in this case whites say "I don't see color" - they mean they see people as individuals. I'm not racist towards anyone because I'm not a collectivist, but an individualist. In order for me to make negative claims of others, I have to provide grand evidence of my claims.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
kulaha i don't see colour

cadaanka iska ilaali

anyway when white people say they don't see colour it's two groups: one group truly does not care about ethnicity in the slightest, the other just doesn't want to understand other certain people at a base level. i can deal with the former even if they're a little weird at times. f*ck the latter.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It's mostly willful ignorance although the persons who say it might not be racist themselves, them not recognizing racism is a structure to the benefit of some through the oppression others is pretty fucking stupid. That and many folks are taught that racism is just someone saying bad words.
A recent study in the UK has showed that cadaans move out from certain areas en masse even when middle class minorities move in.the so called middle class white liberals who scream they are colour blind would not feel comfortable living in a predominately black middle class area .


Not your typical Farah
It's mostly willful ignorance although the persons who says it might not be racist themselves, them not recognizing racism is a structure to the benefit of some through the oppression others is pretty fucking stupid. That and many folks are taught that racism is just someone saying bad words.
Who benefits from racism and who's getting oppressed today? Which race or races are oppressing a certain race or races? Can you provide evidence for those claims?


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
Who benefits from racism and who's getting oppressed today? Which race or races are oppressing a certain race or races? Can you provide evidence for those claims?

Blacks are oppressed in America.
Muslims are oppressed in their own countries
Africans are also oppressed because of puppet dictators like the one in DRCongo


Not your typical Farah
Blacks are oppressed in America.
Muslims are oppressed in their own countries
Africans are also oppressed because of puppet dictators like the one in DRCongo

Oppressed - subject to harsh and authoritarian treatment.

You need come up with creditable evidence for those claims.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
Oppressed - subject to harsh and authoritarian treatment.

You need come up with creditable evidence for those claims.

I don't need to explain Muslims and Africans.

African Americans are treated as second-class citizens.
This is the first link that was on google.
One African American received a life sentence for stealing $31.00 worth of candy because he was hungry.
Another was arrested over 200 times for coming to work.
American cops leave the police force because they have quotas that shouldn't exist. They lock up black people and then make them work for slave wages in prison. Search the School to Prison pipeline.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
Man Faces Life In Prison For Stealing $31 Worth Of Candy
Florida police accused of racial profiling after stopping man 258 times, charging him with trespassing at work
Brave Cop Fired for NOT Killing a Black Deaf Man Who Was Attempting Suicide By Cop
(Proof that there is no good cops in black neighborhoods



Not your typical Farah
Addressing your first link:

  1. African-Americans comprise only 13% of the U.S. population and 14% of the monthly drug users, but are 37% of the people arrested for drug-related offenses in America.

    That stat about Africans being 13% of the populations is pretty objective as this data is collected by the census. However, how was the 14% data collected? Was it self-reporting? Which means no one actually knows the real Black rate of drug users. I don't know why African Americans compromise 37% - maybe there are racist cops out there arresting blacks more than whites due to their color. Or maybe more blacks live metropolitan/urban areas with usually more crime - so they have more police presence in their neighborhoods compared to whites.

  2. Studies show that police are more likely to pull over and frisk blacks or Latinos than whites. In New York City, 80% of the stops made were blacks and Latinos, and 85% of those people were frisked, compared to a mere 8% of white people stopped. Host a poetry slam to educate others on racism and reduce prejudice in your community. Sign up for Mic Check Racism .

    This stat only measures New York, not the whole country. Again it depends on the area these people were stopped.

  3. After being arrested, African-Americans are 33% more likely than whites to be detained while facing a felony trial in New York.

    This is interesting. When I went go look for the source, they cited HuffPost and the link didn't work. However, I found this huffpost link: and they talked about a 1995 review of New York City and they said blacks were detained for felony chargers while waiting trial at a 33% rate. I didn't find this stat or nor did they cited. However, I found this review and yes there was difference after controlling for everything, but it was not 33% - but it was 5% and 6%. They claim there was no finding of court personnel discriminating against blacks, but there is a difference and that needs to be fixed, but not as high as 33%.

  4. In 2010, the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that African Americans receive 10% longer sentences than whites through the federal system for the same crimes.

    See number #5 for similar answer. It possible racism is there. However, I'm amusing every Federal judge is different since they're different humans. If they examine each judge as the way he/she sentences based on race for the same crimes, than that will be different. Another thing is that are some judges harsher than others? Yes. Then maybe those harsher judges happen to get more blacks than whites? Again all these are assumptions from me. For you and your sources to convince me - they need a breakdown of each judge and courts according to how they sentence based on race for the same crimes.

  5. In 2009 African-Americans are 21% more likely than whites to receive mandatory minimum sentences and 20% more likely to be sentenced to prison than white drug defendants

    I looked at the source and the page is not found. I also checked out other sources and they cite this study, but the link isn't found like I said. But, let's argue that was the case. Why are we comparing overall stats though? Shouldn't we judge based on the same judges and court systems than comparing oranges to apples since every judge is different and sentences different. I would love to see same judge to black to white sentencing and then we can judge differently. Adam sentences differently from Smith. I'm not denying possibility of racism. But, they seem to be comparing apples to oranges. I also would like to see where the blacks that are sentenced fairly live compare to the ones that are sentenced harsher and same goes for the whites. Its possible couple judges in Chicago and Baltimore are sentencing Blacks harsher than whites and certain judges in Idaho judging whites nicer compare to blacks - but breakdown of raw data is need to find out.

  6. In a 2009 report, 2/3 of the criminals receiving life sentences were non-whites. In New York, it is 83%.

    Unless the same judges are giving non-whites life sentences than I don't see the problem with that stat. Just because certain groups have an overall lower population to the majority or other larger groups doesn't mean they can't commit more crimes than those groups. That idea that a race or an ethnicity population has to match their jailing doesn’t make any sense.

  7. African Americans make up 57% of the people in state prisons for drug offenses.

    There was correction made to the Huffpost article, it's 50% actually according to the HuffPost. Now, there are saying that according to this study:

    "The study, which was published Monday in the Archives of General Psychiatry, controlled for variables like socioeconomic status because rates of severe drug problems tend to be greater amongst the poor. Despite this, Native American youth fared worst, with 15% having a substance use disorder, compared to 9.2% for people of mixed racial heritage, 9.0% for whites, 7.7% for Hispanics, 5% for African Americans and 3.5% for Asians and Pacific Islanders."

    One - this self-reporting, so no one knows if anyone in these studies is telling the truth. Second of all, again going back to where people live, Blacks live more in urban areas with more crime rates and more police presence compare to whites. It makes sense to me that they would come in contact with the police more often. Now, unless they can show evidence that police in certain places behave differently compare to white people and blacks - then they would have a point. Having couple examples doesn't mean it's a general thing but an exception, unless grand evidence is shown otherwise.

  8. The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics concluded that an African American male born in 2001 has a 32% chance of going to jail in his lifetime, while a Latino male has a 17% chance, and a white male only has a 6% chance.

    What does this mean though? That if you're black, commit a crime and somehow most likely live in area with a high police presence that you have a 32% chance of going to jail compared to whites at 17%? Well, the only solution I guess is to move to Blacks in safe neighborhoods where the police won't bother them that much, I guess. This is a problem in the average Black neighborhood when it comes to drug trafficking and gang violence, with also low-income households in bad areas.

  9. In 2012, 51% of Americans expressed anti-black sentiments in a poll; a 3% increase from 2008.

    This interesting. But if we are generalizing, how big was the sample size? Do you think 1,000 whites surveyed represent 199 million of whites in the U.S?

  10. A survey in 2011 revealed that 52% of non-Hispanic whites expressed anti-Hispanic attitudes.

    Same answer as #9
  11. Reports show that nearly 50% of Americans under 18 are minorities. The trend projects a reversal in the population where by 2030, the majority of people under 18 will be of color, and by 2042 nonwhites will be the majority of the U.S. population.

    Well, I guess white racism will end in 2042 when they’re a minority, I didn’t get their point here.
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