So I started wearing the jilbab last year, alx it wasn’t that difficult for the most part since I live in London. I have also went back to dugsi (mainly for adults) to finish the quran and I have noticed that some of the sisters would take their hijab off when we finished. I befriended one of them and she is really nice. She told me two days ago that when she saw that I was a full time jilbabi she assumed I was judgemental to any sister that practices hijab incorrectly. I asked her what prompted this assumption and she told me that in almost all her encounters with jilbabis/niqabis she always felt hostile energy. At first I thought she was just projecting her insecurities onto them, until I spoke to one of my non hijabi friends today and she said she had a similar experiences. So what I am asking is have you ever gotten judge by a niqabi/jilbaabi because of your appearance? Me personally I rarely encounter let alone befriend niqabis/jilaabis my age.