Are People Becoming More Religious ?

Are People Becoming More Religous!

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not just islam but any
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i think new ageism has increased and yea i agree people ditching the hardcore atheist postion but hover around agnosticism

Never made sense to begin with atheism . Claiming you’re an atheist was a one way street to being cooked than roasted in any intellectual debate .

Never heard of ageism Saxiib what’s that .

Edit :

searched it having bias cause of age . Is that a religion 🤔
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4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement, T-Y16897 Arabi
New age atheism alienated a lot of people with the way they look down on the religious. How are you supposed to convert people while simultaneously insulting their intellect? Even during my gaal era I was never a full on atheist due to how xasiid their cult of personalities were :mjlol:
New age atheism alienated a lot of people with the way they look down on the religious. How are you supposed to convert people while simultaneously insulting their intellect? Even during my gaal era I was never a full on atheist due to how xasiid their cult of personalities were :mjlol:
wdum, are they really that xaasid
Wasn’t there a recent study showing that most of the adult gen z’s have left religion/do not practice?

I think only people are getting closer to their deen but gaalo are getting away from theirs in favour of spirituality


Coping through the 1st world
Christians are leaving their faith according to the recent surveys.
If look at the statistics it’s mostly from the people grown in white familes. Gen Z are mostly comfortable in saying they’re aren’t religious compare to the old generations.

Okay now those are the Christians familes not sure about the Muslims ones. Really interested on the survey about them.


Coping through the 1st world
I did hear islam are increasing more as more followers are converting but at the same time they’re also leaving.
The reality is islam could potentially have more followers than Christianity in the next decades as time goes on.
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