Are Somalis celebrating thanksgiving?

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i've been hearing about this. Redpill me on it reer US. Is it true?
Personally I see nothing wrong with it. It means you've integrated into society, it's what immigrants are meant to do. I celebrate Australia Day even if its a white people holiday.
Anythings better than being in a self segregated community where gangsters and terrorists are pumped out.
Happy thanksgiving


American thanksgiving interwines football, family, food. I'd say it's the most easily embraced and relatable holiday across all ethnic backgrounds. You see Asians, Blacks, Whites all out shopping to feast.

It helps for get togethers esp when everyone's grown and out the house bc everyone's off so we all come together and have a huge meal.

I look more forward to friendsgiving. It's become like a second April fool's with food within our group. Like earlier I gave a friend an ornate Russian doll as a gift for less than $10 off ebay

It was a front/clue for all the spam he'll be getting from using his primary email to sign up to a dozen or more Russian bride subscriptions which I tested out on a throwaway (hilariously persistent):icon lol:
American thanksgiving interwines football, family, food. I'd say it's the most easily embraced and relatable holiday across all ethnic backgrounds. You see Asians, Blacks, Whites all out shopping to feast.

It helps for get togethers esp when everyone's grown and out the house bc everyone's off so we all come together and have a huge meal.

I look more forward to friendsgiving. It's become like a second April fool's with food within our group. Like earlier I gave a friend an ornate Russian doll as a gift for less than $10 off ebay

It was a front/clue for all the spam he'll be getting from using his primary email to sign up to a dozen or more Russian bride subscriptions which I tested out on a throwaway (hilariously persistent):icon lol:
I'm seeing Somalis online calling thanksgiving celebrators "coons" or "desperate". This is the mentality that is keeping western Somalis from fitting into society and keeping them in the ghettos. If only Somalis were more open to other people and didn't just point fingers at other groups, we'd be seeing more Somali doctors and lawyers rather than Isis recruits and gang members.


I'm seeing Somalis online calling thanksgiving celebrators "coons" or "desperate". This is the mentality that is keeping western Somalis from fitting into society and keeping them in the ghettos. If only Somalis were more open to other people and didn't just point fingers at other groups, we'd be seeing more Somali doctors and lawyers rather than Isis recruits and gang members.
It becomes a no-brainer bc like I said everyone's off and it's feast with family. It's not like pilgrims and Indians are discussed at the dinner table, and it's family-friendly and not an affront to Islam that I can see unlike Christmas and birthdays.

I don't think ppl who celebrate are coons, but I don't think that if u don't it means ur a potential Isis recruit either :icon lol:
This is why the pilgrim narrative is dying off noticeably from when I was a little kid.
Why not change it to something less controversial like turkey day if it's really nothing to do with glorifying native american genocide

A wise man once said- "the weak shall fear the strong"
The natives were inferior, they had to make way to a superior civilisation.
Your right about that. But it is not wrong to have a little sensitivity, after all their civilisation has been destroyed. The strong have nothing to prove anymore they are just rubbing salt in wounds
I personally don't but I met two Somalis who do with their families (their Somali family, they don't have ajnaabi spouses)
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