Are you like this in real life?


My cat should take notes from this. I just showed her the tiktok she didn’t even bother looking the lazy so and so:silanyolaugh:
So you have a pet cat , how do you take care of it , what do you do if it messes on the floor and everywhere and why are they terrified at people.

I prefer dogs tbh , eventhough it's taboo in our community , I have two Shepard dogs , I named them Rooble and Diiriye,
for safety reasons, I normally take a walk with them and they are very useful to catching thiefs and home invaders, one ripped the hands of the looters and another time he jumped at this gunman while I was reloading and firing back during an arson attack few years ago that's why I adopted the pets on the otherhand they were originally stray wild dogs , that I found in the townships , a madow was about to cook these puppies for lunch , I intervened and took them in, now they are grown dogs and follow me around wherever I go , they are guards at the store and they live in a shed that I built for them.
One thing is they lose control when there are presence of female dogs one time I was walking I believe it was Rooble outside to give him a treat and there were was a female Pitbull, can you believe Rooble broke the dog leash and ran after her kkkkkk

White people normally train them but since we are Somalis we normally pass our dysfunction and lawlessness even to pets.

I should not smoke weed around them, cannot run after them when I'm baked kkkkkkk
I instruct them in af-Somali and they listen
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