As I said before Boqor Burhan had a preferred candidate which was closest in kin

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I said Boqor Burhaan campaigned vigorously for his cousin closest to him in terms of lineage even going to occupied Laascaanood.

They lost the election. Now he is campaigning for him in Mogadishu.

Asad said he will establish a political party.

The Somali Intelligence post is still vacant.

Anyway this two are literally closely knitted.
Three days ago he arrived in Mogadishu

This is a multiple agenda trip by Boqor Burhaan who is also a politician by the look of it.

One has to do with Asad Osman. The other probable issue is Garacad port which the Boqor is vehemently against and Islaan Bashiir campaigned for.

He doesn't want it to be realised and get support in Mogadishu.

Asad is young and totally inexperienced politician and quite inadequate for any high ranking political post.

However the head of Somalia Intelligence post is still vacant and would serve him right.

There could be other issues at hand familiarising Asad with key individuals in Mogadishu and government to broaden is political reach and base for the future.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Asad should NOT accept such a post, the defacto ruler of Somali intelligence does NOT want a competant head. Fahad Yasiin controls it, He has been deputy head for 9 months now.
Tekniko that is speculation but I don't believe he is going for that post why I mentioned it is because Asad has zero political experience so he should not be given a high political post and I said and highlighted that director of National Intelligence is vacant.

He is there for political reasons.

He should go for intelligence role which he is actually experienced in was my take but they want him positioned for 2021 race and get FGS support.
Turn back while you still have the chance Asaad, the terrorist Yasin does not want a decorated veteran to run NISA.
he's going to get you killed :damn::damn::damn:


Turn back while you still have the chance Asaad, the terrorist Yasin does not want a decorated veteran to run NISA.
he's going to get you killed :damn::damn::damn:
How is Assad Osman a decorated veteran? He was born in 1982 and was 8/9 years old when the Somali government collapsed.
Let me clarify things for you!

Boqor Burhaan lost the election. He thought with the last election were he got 33 out of 66 made him the king maker and political brain.

After that loss he got bit worked up because his cabal the Ictisaam religious grouping that dominated Puntland and ruling along the government since 8/9 years is in jeopardy with Deni's election.

This means Al Islaax is encroaching and they might lose following and status as the only religious authority.

I first reported it on here about looming battle of religious supremecy in Puntland.

Now the King and Asad went to Mogadishu to forge an alliance and sow mistrust between FGS and Deni.

The FGS need an religious partner in the upcoming election and only viable is Ictisaam.

If the FGS works to undermine Deni along with Asad and Boqor Burhaan they hope to blow any relationship and come to power that way later on.

They play with FGS fear that Deni still has Islaax tendencies and enforces it in Puntland and that he will throw his weight with Ak Islaax in the 2021 election.
Why are religious groupings important?

Certain traditional elders follow a religious group so are politicians, businessman.

They become a cabal.

Boqor Burhaan is visiting All Ictisaam in Mogadishu to tell them they are being encroached by Al Islaax.

They will then go to their politicians and forge an alliance to fight that encroachment.

The King is offering himself to the FGS and he has brought along Asad.

He will say that they have the following and everything needed we need support in undermining Said Deni who is with the opposition through his religious group Islaax.
For Boqor Burhaan it is three things

1. Deni is the wrong subclan which can have implications in the future rendering his own subclan's position and that of himself.

2. Deni is in the wrong religious group which further undermines his authority as he has the backing of the current religious elite Ictisaam.

3. Deni cannot be moulded to the Kings likening and therefore not effective in his goal of furthering his authority, business interests and that of his followers Ictisaam.
This is a continuation of what I reported earlier few weeks ago.

Boqor Burhaan is in full out war with current Puntland administration.

He lost power and authority he yielded as no one will consult him due him knowing what he did doors are closed.

He fears for his Ictisaam to and Islaax encroachment through which he had another authority.
The Irony of all is he using Asad Osman a young inexperienced man that wants power and has worked for the American CIA in their war against terror.

Politics makes strange bed fellows. Here he is now sharing power with former Jihadists.

Clan is the factor as both share close clan kinship.
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