AUSSOM plan for 2030 (If US doesn’t cut funding this plan will go forever)

2025-30 and after that it will be extended continuosly. Trump should double down and not invest an penny into these missions
Life will go own if AS takes over. Trump will have negotiations with AS like he did with Taleban on Doha. They will get them to not blowup ships. Or have any foreign groups there. Its useless to prop up 4.5 clan democracy that is rife with corruption
Life will go own if AS takes over. Trump will have negotiations with AS like he did with Taleban on Doha. They will get them to not blowup ships. Or have any foreign groups there. Its useless to prop up 4.5 clan democracy that is rife with corruption
Are you crazy? Not a similar comparison.
Are you crazy? Not a similar comparison.
Still an useless system that deserves to be dismantled. Either Somalis start an new ICU. Or its over for them. Gaajo Africans aren’t fighting for nobody. But its easy to say in the comfort of the west tbh.
Somalia isn’t benefitting from Gaajo African soldiers that rape women. Its over. These soldiers need to f*ck off. Tired of taxpayer money going towards this shithole