Australia Leadership Crisis

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Australia changes Prime Ministers very frequently for a country that uses the Westminister system.

This Dutton fellow seems like a Trump lite judging from his comments.

@AussieHustler soo gaal, what is your take?


Australia now beats Italy as the most unstable democracy in the western world. Six prime ministers in eight years. As for Dutton, he is worse than Trump, I would say, he’s the reincarnation of Mussolini. If he succeeds with the coup, he will be a disaster for his party and they will be decimated at the next election which is expected to be held late this year or the first quarter of next year. The liberal party is following the ideological footsteps of their American cousins, the republicans, where the religious zealots, the conspiracy theorists and the far-right racists have hijacked it. The days of the small (l) liberals who were socially liberals and economically conservatives are slowly disappearing. The Duttons are afraid that their base (Queensland and parts of NSW) will abandon them and vote for the fringe ultra-conservative parties like One Nation and Bob Katter party. What I think is, they will find a compromise candidate like Scot Morrison, the Treasurer to replace Turnbull. He’s a member of the Hillsong church. lol
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Australia now beats Italy as the most unstable democracy in the western world. Six prime ministers in eight years. As for Dutton, he is worse than Trump, I would say, he’s the reincarnation of Mussolini. If he succeeds with the coup, he will be a disaster for his party and they will be decimated at the next election which is expected to be held late this year or the first quarter of next year. The liberal party is following the ideological footsteps of their American cousins, the republicans, where the religious zealots, the conspiracy theorists and the far-right racists have hijacked it. The days of the small (l) liberals who were socially liberals and economically conservatives are slowly disappearing. The Duttons are afraid that their base (Queensland and parts of NSW) will abandon them and vote for the fringe ultra-conservative parties like One Nation and Bob Katter party. What I think is, they will find a compromise candidate like Scot Morrison, the Treasurer to replace Turnbull. He’s a member of the Hillsong church. lol

Yep, it wasn’t hard to predict that Scot Morrison will be selected as a compromise alternative prime minister. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first religious-Right new Australian prime minister who beat a fascist politician. He has proven himself to be a realist rather than an ideologue.

Dear Moderators,

we rarely discuss Australian politics on somalispot and please don’t move this thread again.

Nothing to say? Were you barracking for Dutton?

Im from NZ sxb my prime minister just had a baby a few weeks ago and our minister of women affairs had a baby few days ago.

Our politicians are getting fucked well and providing great leadership since taking power from the liberals.
@AussieHustler is it related to immigration ?


It is mainly related to the rise of the Far Right global politics where immigration always becomes a rallying cry even though immigration is supported by the majority of people and most influential institutions and people. However, Sydney, Melbourne and to a lesser degree Brisbane had a dramatic population growth mainly due to migration of skilled professionals and foreign students becoming permanent residents after they finish their studies and land jobs. This indirect migration (200,000 pa) is fueling property prices to be almost beyond the reach of young Australians and gridlocks on the freeways and streets of these major streets. This is the immigration that is missing from the narrative and has been blamed on the 20,000 refugees Australia takes under its obligation. Young Muslim terrorists, the general attitude of Muslims and a bunch of young thugs from South Sudan has added fuel to it.

It is mainly related to the rise of the Far Right global politics where immigration always becomes a rallying cry even though immigration is supported by the majority of people and most influential institutions and people. However, Sydney, Melbourne and to a lesser degree Brisbane had a dramatic population growth mainly due to migration of skilled professionals and foreign students becoming permanent residents after they finish their studies and land jobs. This indirect migration (200,000 pa) is fueling property prices to be almost beyond the reach of young Australians and gridlocks on the freeways and streets of these major streets. This is the immigration that is missing from the narrative and has been blamed on the 20,000 refugees Australia takes under its obligation. Young Muslim terrorists, the general attitude of Muslims and a bunch of young thugs from South Sudan has added fuel to it.

Don’t you think immigration is divisive? Why is it imorral to reduce it if the public demands it?
Don’t you think immigration is divisive? Why is it imorral to reduce it if the public demands it?


A minority of the public are anti-immigration but they are more vocal than the silent majority then why stop it? If immigration is a major concern, then the fringe parties who are anti-immigration would have won power. The debate on immigration here is not like the one in Europe where tens or hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers rock up on your borders. Till the 1970's, Australia officially had a 'White Policy' immigration program where blacks, Asians weren't allowed to settle. Only Europeans were allowed to migrate to Australia. The vast majority of Australians don't want to revert back to those old racist days.
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A minority of the public are anti-immigration but they are more vocal than the silent majority then why stop it? If immigration is a major concern, then the fringe parties who are anti-immigration would have won power. The debate on immigration here is not like the one in Europe where tens or hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers rock up on your borders. Till the 1970's, Australia officially had a 'White Policy' immigration program where blacks, Asians weren't allowed to settle. Only Europeans were allowed to migrate to Australia. The vast majority of Australians don't want to revert back those old racist days.

I think immigration is a morally neutral issue, you dont become good or bad by stating your opinion towards immigration.
Im from NZ sxb my prime minister just had a baby a few weeks ago and our minister of women affairs had a baby few days ago.

Our politicians are getting fucked well and providing great leadership since taking power from the liberals.


Little do people know that New Zealand is one of the very few of the most liberal countries in the world. We are extremely conservative compared to the Kiwis. They had a female Prime minister (their second one now) decades before us, they legalised same sex marriages years before us, they have a Treaty with their Indigenous population, less racist parties and have a more humane refugee program.They decriminalised soft drugs. Jacinta Arden's husband is now cracking jokes on our behest. She gave a Maori name to her new born daughter. Good on her. It will politically suicidal for an Australian politician to give his children an Aboriginal name.

'Unlucky country': New Zealand has fun as Australia's political gloom deepens

Even Jacinda Ardern’s partner adds to the amusement of residents across the Tasman.


New Zealand, hold your PM tight tonight,’ tweeted Peter Helliar – to which Clarke Gayford answered ‘Done’. Photograph: Boris Jancic/AAP

Australia’s latest leadership debacle is causing amusement across the Tasman, with even the New Zealand prime minister’s partner getting in on the act.

“New Zealand, hold your prime minister tight tonight, you don’t know how lucky you are ... actually I think you do,” tweeted comedian Peter Helliar on a day when not one but three politicians are vying for Australia’s top job.

“Done,” tweeted Jacinda Ardern’s partner, Clarke Gayford, now a stay-at-home father to the couple’s daughter, Neve Te Aroha.

The jokes flowed thick and fast as Australia descended into what is being described as a “farcical” race for the top job.


The jokes flowed thick and fast as Australia descended into what is being described as a “farcical” race for the top job.
In the New Zealand Herald, Newstalk ZB political editor Barry Soper wrote an opinion piece titled “Aussie politicians – they like a blood soaked carpet”.

“This week the ruling Liberal party’s been like a pack of dingoes rounding on their prey, the mega-rich former banker Malcolm Turnbull who’s been fighting them off in a losing battle,” wrote Soper.

“This week the ruling Liberal party’s been like a pack of dingoes rounding on their prey, the mega-rich former banker Malcolm Turnbull who’s been fighting them off in a losing battle,” wrote Soper.

“By comparison leadership changes in this country are like a simple changing of the guard; sure there’s tension if there’s a contest, but they tend to put their best foot forward rather than aiming it where the sun don’t shine.”

In their morning bulletin, the Spinoff asked “How will lucky country chaos affect NZ?”

“In Australian politics today, something will happen,” wrote Alex Braae.

Sorry, I can’t really be any more specific than that, because the events of yesterday were so bizarre, and the possibilities today are endless.”

The NZ Greens MP Gareth Hughes, who is currently in Canberra, wrote that “the seemingly never-ending political upheaval is getting in the way of big decisions – like what to do about climate change”.

“Political spills are as quintessentially Australian as that image of the dingo eating the washed-up shark on the beach while two snakes mate in the foreground,” wrote Hughes.

“I’m in Australia witnessing the political drama unfold and I’m asking myself why the so-called lucky country has been so unlucky when it comes to the political stability stakes ... One politician had to cancel on a meeting at the last minute to deal with ‘you know what’. People are constantly checking their phone to see if the country still has a prime minister.”

The veteran Australian political reporter Kerry-Anne Walsh phoned into her weekly Radio NZ spot with the words: “Ah good-morning, reporting from the land of madness”, causing host Susie Ferguson to dissolve into laughter.

“I just thought it [spills] was tradition,” said Ferguson, deadpan.
I think immigration is a morally neutral issue, you dont become good or bad by stating your opinion towards immigration.


You are absolutely right, a person can hold an anti-immigration sentiment without being a racist, but claiming that Australia has to shut its borders to black, brown and yellow refugees and instead, should bring "prosecuted white South African" refugees is not only racist, but something that most Australians strongly object. This is the narrative of the Far Right here.

Little do people know that New Zealand is one of the very few of the most liberal countries in the world. We are extremely conservative compared to the Kiwis. They had a female Prime minister (their second one now) decades before us, they legalised same sex marriages years before us, they have a Treaty with their Indigenous population, less racist parties and have a more humane refugee program.They decriminalised soft drugs. Jacinta Arden's husband is now cracking jokes on our behest. She gave a Maori name to her new born daughter. Good on her. It will politically suicidal for an Australian politician to give his children an Aboriginal name.

'Unlucky country': New Zealand has fun as Australia's political gloom deepens

Even Jacinda Ardern’s partner adds to the amusement of residents across the Tasman.


New Zealand, hold your PM tight tonight,’ tweeted Peter Helliar – to which Clarke Gayford answered ‘Done’. Photograph: Boris Jancic/AAP

Australia’s latest leadership debacle is causing amusement across the Tasman, with even the New Zealand prime minister’s partner getting in on the act.

“New Zealand, hold your prime minister tight tonight, you don’t know how lucky you are ... actually I think you do,” tweeted comedian Peter Helliar on a day when not one but three politicians are vying for Australia’s top job.

“Done,” tweeted Jacinda Ardern’s partner, Clarke Gayford, now a stay-at-home father to the couple’s daughter, Neve Te Aroha.

The jokes flowed thick and fast as Australia descended into what is being described as a “farcical” race for the top job.


The jokes flowed thick and fast as Australia descended into what is being described as a “farcical” race for the top job.
In the New Zealand Herald, Newstalk ZB political editor Barry Soper wrote an opinion piece titled “Aussie politicians – they like a blood soaked carpet”.

“This week the ruling Liberal party’s been like a pack of dingoes rounding on their prey, the mega-rich former banker Malcolm Turnbull who’s been fighting them off in a losing battle,” wrote Soper.

“This week the ruling Liberal party’s been like a pack of dingoes rounding on their prey, the mega-rich former banker Malcolm Turnbull who’s been fighting them off in a losing battle,” wrote Soper.

“By comparison leadership changes in this country are like a simple changing of the guard; sure there’s tension if there’s a contest, but they tend to put their best foot forward rather than aiming it where the sun don’t shine.”

In their morning bulletin, the Spinoff asked “How will lucky country chaos affect NZ?”

“In Australian politics today, something will happen,” wrote Alex Braae.

Sorry, I can’t really be any more specific than that, because the events of yesterday were so bizarre, and the possibilities today are endless.”

The NZ Greens MP Gareth Hughes, who is currently in Canberra, wrote that “the seemingly never-ending political upheaval is getting in the way of big decisions – like what to do about climate change”.

“Political spills are as quintessentially Australian as that image of the dingo eating the washed-up shark on the beach while two snakes mate in the foreground,” wrote Hughes.

“I’m in Australia witnessing the political drama unfold and I’m asking myself why the so-called lucky country has been so unlucky when it comes to the political stability stakes ... One politician had to cancel on a meeting at the last minute to deal with ‘you know what’. People are constantly checking their phone to see if the country still has a prime minister.”

The veteran Australian political reporter Kerry-Anne Walsh phoned into her weekly Radio NZ spot with the words: “Ah good-morning, reporting from the land of madness”, causing host Susie Ferguson to dissolve into laughter.

“I just thought it [spills] was tradition,” said Ferguson, deadpan.

Bro Europeans are different, i met a New Zealander who is of Scandinavian ancestry so i guess theyve got many like that, Italians , Greeks and Eastern Europeans are corrupt and criminal creatures, theyre behind the 20th century American mobs like Al Capone and more. Irish are pretty bad too.

Only the anglo saxon and Scandis have a noble character, speaking by experience and observation.
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You are absolutely right, a person can hold an anti-immigration sentiment without being a racist, but claiming that Australia has to shut its borders to black, brown and yellow refugees and instead, should bring "prosecuted white South African" refugees is not only racist, but something that most Australians strongly object. This is the narrative of the Far Right here.

Im not so a country forced to diversify the demographics? Is it wrong for a country to stay white or ethnically pure if its a choice they made...?

At the same time, i think it has to be reciprocal, South Africa has allowed in white people so white countries need to let in black people, otherwise, people will make claims of hypocrisy and favoritism.

But being against ethnic diversity is a morally neutral choice, it doesn't require any justification.
Bro Europeans are different, i met a New Zealander who is of Scandinavian ancestry so i guess theyve got many like that, Italians , Greeks and Eastern Europeans are corrupt and criminal creatures, theyre behind the 20th century American mobs like Al Capone and more. Irish are pretty bad too.

Only the anglo saxon and Scandis have a noble character.


Sxb, let's not stereotype ethnicities, I met great people of many different ethnicities and especially from the Italian, Greek and East European communities and they do have their bad apples like all of us. Here in Australia, from my personal experiences, one's character is not determined by their ethnicity, but by the sort of person they are. I kindly disagree with you because I don't find and nor believe that Anglo Saxons or Scandis to "have a nobler character" than the rest.
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Sxb, let's not stereotype ethnicities, I met great people of many different ethnicities and especially from Italian, Greek and East European communities and they do have their bad apples like all of us. Here in Australia, from my personal experiences, one's character is not determined by their ethnicity, but by the sort of person they are. I kindly disagree with you because I don't find and nor believe that Anglo Saxons or Scandis to "have a nobler character" than the rest.

Anglo Saxon and Scandis are better at running countries and complex organizations.
Gutting social services and tuition, bailouts to big banks but raising taxes, NBN fiasco etc

This country is finished. It’ll be just like America give or take a decade. At least Rudd and Gillard were somewhat competent and tried but it all went to shit with Abbott.

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