Australian government secretly deports pregnant Somali rape victim

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HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Pregnant refugee who asked Australian government for abortion after alleged rape, deported without treatment

It’s believed the government secretly flew her out of Australia to escape a court injunction.
The Guardian reported it was an attempt to escape the reach of the Australian courts.

Since Abyan’s pregnancy was known she has pleaded with Australian authorities to allow her to come to Australia and terminate the pregnancy.

Due to restrictive abortion laws in Nauru and PNG, there was nowhere offshore that she could have the medical procedure.

On Sunday Abyan arrived in Australia, where she was held at Villawood. She confided in friends that she feared being sent back to Nauru.

“I cannot go back to where this happened to me; I cannot go to where I was raped.

“What happened to me there [in Nauru] is what caused me to run away from Somalia. What happened to me in Somalia is what happened to me there [in Nauru],” she said.

It’s believed Abyan had a medical appointment booked on Thursday, however she declined to attend.

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection reportedly took her non-attendance as refusal to have the termination.

However advocates assisting Abyan said this was untrue and that she had requested more time to decide.
Abyan had asked to see a counsellor but the request was not granted, according to the Guardian.

On Friday she was forcibly removed from Australia.

Lawyer George Newhouse, who is acting for Abyan, wrote to the department before Abyan was removed from the country.

“Our client has not decided to refuse a termination and you have completely misunderstood or misconstrued her position which is as set out in my letter ... of 14 October 2015,” he wrote.

“Our client has the right to counselling before a termination and to understand the procedure, that is all we have been seeking and to represent her position as a refusal is disingenuous and cruel.”

Abyan’s lawyers sought an injunction against her removal in the federal court before Justice Jacqueline Gleeson. However, they were told Abyan had already left the country and was flown by chartered jet to Solomon Islands capital Honira.

The government planned to return her to Nauru on Friday night.
So she pleads for an abortion, is granted one and then decides she wants to wait for counciling? Australia doesn't f*ck about.


lol she has every right to have second doubts. seeking counseling is the best route to go. she's gone through so much already, I can't imagine her state of mind.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
lol she has every right to have second doubts. seeking counseling is the best route to go. she's gone through so much already, I can't imagine her state of mind.

This. She did nothing wrong. They didn't even wait 24 hours after her consult to deport her and they secretly flew her out of the country to escape a court injunction. :wtfguccimane:

Queen Carawelo

I'm still not sure about this. She wanted abortion, when they set up an appointment she refused to get the abortion. What if she was pregnant when she got to Nauru?

Either way the truth will come out.
“What happened to me there [in Nauru] is what caused me to run away from Somalia. What happened to me in Somalia is what happened to me there [in Nauru],” she said.
Somalia is better than Nauru. She shouldn't have gambled with her future.


They think that she was never raped and that her husband knocked her up prior to Nauro to make an asylum case easier. This is all our fault.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Prominent health care professionals plead with the Australian government to return Abyan to the country.

For decency's sake, return Somali woman to Australia

The rapid and secret transfer from Australia of the 23-year-old Somali woman seeking termination of a pregnancy allegedly resulting from rape on Nauru is deeply shocking and sets a new low in Australia's treatment of asylum seeker women ("Pregnant refugee to be deported back to Nauru", October 17-18).

We write as doctors, many of us with long experience in the area of women's health, others with experience of caring for asylum seekers in detention, to appeal to the decency of the minister that this woman be returned to Australia to receive the same level of care regarded as essential for women resident in Australia finding themselves in a similar situation. That is, simply, expert counselling about her pregnancy options, safe surgical abortion if that is her choice and appropriate counselling and care from an expert sexual assault team. In her five days in Australia, it appears she did not receive this care.

Returning her to Nauru to continue her pregnancy there when it appears she is requesting termination is a major breach of her human rights. She faces enormous risks to her physical and mental health in Nauru, with a high possibility of self-harm. There are also great dangers in leaving her on the island exposed to her alleged rapist. This must not be allowed to happen.

Professor Caroline de Costa, Dr Deborah Bateson, Professor David Isaacs, Dr Sue Jacobs, Dr John-Paul Sanggaran, Professor Alexandra Barratt, Associate Professor Kirsten Black, Dr Jenny King, Dr Anu Lal, Dr Heather McNamee, Dr Ellie Freedman, Dr Melissa Kang, Dr Emma Boulton and Dr Jo Ludlow
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