Austria: Somali Asylum seeker storms Christmas kindergarten nativity play

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He suffers from manic depression and gets treatment for it. His mental illness explains his actions. I hope his relatives take him back to Somalia to save his life because he can get killed for this without people knowing he is mentally sick. That part of his mental case was not quoted by you or by the twitter based on what it shows. In most cases, people are mentally sick who do this kind of things.

Are you Baajuun btw or Yemenis from Somalia?


I got boomer connections
He suffers from manic depression and gets treatment for it. His mental illness explains his actions. I hope his relatives take him back to Somalia to save his life because he can get killed for this without people knowing he is mentally sick. That part of his mental case was not quoted by you or by the twitter based on what it shows. In most cases, people are mentally sick who do this kind of things.

Are you Baajuun btw or Yemenis from Somalia?

I saw the tweet and shared it. I don't know anything about his mental state. How do you know he's sick, share the sources.

No am not bajuun.
I took the extra effort and googled the article myself to ensure I am not judging a brother out of ignorance. Almost always, people who do these kind of things are either mentally sick or total Psychopaths. It is better to find out the complete information before we copy and paste, or spread some negative news about people.

Check below, they have pictures of the kid and detailed info of his mental status

I asked the baajuun/Yemeni connection because of the name Sidi. It is usually written as Siidi. It was out of curiosity.
He suffers from manic depression and gets treatment for it. His mental illness explains his actions. I hope his relatives take him back to Somalia to save his life because he can get killed for this without people knowing he is mentally sick. That part of his mental case was not quoted by you or by the twitter based on what it shows. In most cases, people are mentally sick who do this kind of things.

Are you Baajuun btw or Yemenis from Somalia?
If anything you should send mentally I'll people away from Somalia, not to it


I got boomer connections
I took the extra effort and googled the article myself to ensure I am not judging a brother out of ignorance. Almost always, people who do these kind of things are either mentally sick or total Psychopaths. It is better to find out the complete information before we copy and paste, or spread some negative news about people.

Check below, they have pictures of the kid and detailed info of his mental status

I asked the baajuun/Yemeni connection because of the name Sidi. It is usually written as Siidi. It was out of curiosity.

This sums up thanks. I didn't really judged him, I even took out the outraged part for I didn't know what caused him to take such action.

I'm not bajun or yemani, I get this question quite often, but am Somali.
Disc, How do you reach that conclusion? I have mentally ill relative in Somalia who is institutionalized and taken care of. They do teaching in the institution, enforce hygiene, medication and read Quran on them. No smoking is allowed or Qaat there in the facility. We pay monthly fees for that service.

That is much better situation than having that relative run loose in America for example and get shot by Police for screaming Allahu Akbar on a stage like the kid did in Austria. It is people who care about you that look for motives before they harm you when you do something out of place. Others who see you as the enemy they need to get rid off will kill you instantly because you hold no value to them but are a menacing presence in their middle. Big difference.
This sums up thanks. I didn't really judged him, I even took out the outraged part for I didn't know what caused him to take such action.

I'm not bajun or yemani, I get this question quite often, but am Somali.

I have no twitter account. So go back and drop the link I gave you on there and defend the brother.
Sidi Dirir, To not judge was a reminder to myself and not an admonition to you. I think your Avatar picture and your Sidi username combined give the impression of mixed afro-Arab heritage. In Somalia, there are Yemenis and Mixed Arab/Bantu Somalis. One can belong to them.

And I agree, there is no point in beating a dead horse(Repubs and Trumpsters).


I got boomer connections
My avatar what's so special about it? I thought it was a Somali fella, is he some sort of Afro Arab past leader? I get the name impression but almost half of Somalis have Arab names.

More than half have Arab names. The picture you have on can be anyone of East African descent because it is small bro. The features are not too clear, not to me at least.

Majority of my relatives have Somali names though. They drew their names from events, skills and personal traits. Like old school Somali names.
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