Awdal ๐Ÿซก๐Ÿซก


85% of total Awdal vote were Sameroon. Most Ciise left to Djibouti for better livelihood. I believe they got 12k vote against Sameroon 77k. Isaaq are nearly nonexistent less than 800 vote in Awdal, it's overwhelmingly Sameroon decisive majority region 77k out of 90k, 85% Sameroon majority region.

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14 Zeila District - Awdal SL.jpg

Even in the Zeila district, in the 2021 local elections they gave Lawyacado 13 polling stations and had a total voter count of 5763. The vast majority of the voters came in from Djibouti. If the borders were closed the Ciise would be down to less than 7k than the 11.5k they got in the House of Representatives vote.


โ™šSargon of Adalโ™š
85% of total Awdal vote were Sameroon. Most Ciise left to Djibouti for better livelihood. I believe they got 12k vote against Sameroon 77k. Isaaq are nearly nonexistent less than 800 vote in Awdal, it's overwhelmingly Sameroon decisive majority region 77k out of 90k, 85% Sameroon majority region.

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The issue I've also had with SL has been funding in Awdal and the constant delaying of projects(Airport, Port, the road to Djibouti etc..), everything bit of road built in Awdal is by the diaspora, if roadblocks didn't exist I would be pro-SL, the main reason why people back home tend to be pro-SL is due to the peace it brought.

I wonder how long this peace will last, the whole region's population age demographics are shifting, chaos is around the corner, and the youth have no job prospects, tahrib routes are all getting closed, limited positions in governmental positions and universities, it's a powdered keg that's about to explode.


In the elections before the 2021 oneView attachment 343214

In the 2005 House of Representatives elections in SL the Ciise won 0 seats in Awdal. Same thing in the 2012 local elections where we dominated the Zeila local government seats. But when Biixi came to power he and IOG were on good terms. The agreement was in 2021 keep the border open which is why the numbers shot up to 11.5k total votes for Ciise candidates
In the 2005 House of Representatives elections in SL the Ciise won 0 seats in Awdal. Same thing in the 2012 local elections where we dominated the Zeila local government seats. But when Biixi came to power he and IOG were on good terms. The agreement was in 2021 keep the border open which is why the numbers shot up to 11.5k total votes for Ciise candidates
I blame Bahabar Celi for becoming complacent and giving in because Saylici received the worthless VP position.

Things will naturally return to how they were soon enough. It will be wholly dominated by Gadabursi.


I blame Bahabar Celi for becoming complacent and giving in because Saylici received the worthless VP position.

Things will naturally return to how they were soon enough. It will be wholly dominated by Gadabursi.

Despite that we made sure to retain mayorship of Lawyacado which was essential.