Ayrab Man Says You Can’t Be Somali And Non Muslim & Somalis Rejoice

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No but i think I'm starting to be turned off by it ngl. The arab worship and hatred of fellow Somalis is just not good for my pride and is so tragic to witness how mentally enslaved these people are.

It doesn't help how Islam seems to centre around arabs too much as well, from language to place of pilgrimage to prophets..... its like a recipe to create self hatred among non arabs

I'm sometimes so jealous of how Ethiopians managed to keep their beautiful culture alive (i notice christianity isn't anywhere near as aggressive as Islam when it comes to replacing cultures)

But we're reduced to wearing smelly bin bags and blasting each other loool
aint ethiopians culture southern arabia culture ? :what1:

what you've said it's true but the current somalis barely follow islam
i mean look at the country.
islam doesn't remove people culture (unless it has harm stuff) but look at desi,arab etc cultures
it's just the somalis who dropped it themselves
definitely not the best explainer hibaq123 but u understand where i'm going.
the muslim and kaffir somali would be getting the same treatment from me but worshipping arab is where i draw the line.

i have seen even somali man running to arab women just cuz they're arab.
kinda pisses me off

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Lol the usual sspoters are triggered. Let me decipher further;

1. Muslimnimo > somalinimo and sht
2. A somali hating arab that identifies as muslim> a somali infidel

It is that simple.
Those Somali hating arabs that identify as muslims which you prefer are funding and supporting extremisism and radical ideologies that are keeping your country and lands hostage. :snoop:
Nobody is against Islam you guys need to stop feeling attacked anytime this topic is mentioned the only thing being said is that we aren’t an ethnoreligious group

Saying someone with isn’t Somali if they aren’t Muslim is most 60iq take you could make, ethnicity and religion is separate
You probably are that incel on twitter giving us a bad name, dude your an undercover non muslim you're a subzero level iq non-muslim who has an agenda to bash islam. your both non muslim + incel, your life is pathetic

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
You probably are that incel on twitter giving us a bad name, dude your an undercover non muslim you're a subzero level iq non-muslim who has an agenda to bash islam. your both non muslim + incel, your life is pathetic
You’re getting emotional stay on track,

Prove to me the logic that someone who isn’t Muslim can’t be Somali.
You’re getting emotional stay on track,

Prove to me the logic that someone who isn’t Muslim can’t be Somali.
One answer:
"They continue to resist Islam to this day, despite Somali legends that the Rendille abandoned Islam earlier and thus were banished."
Proof that they were once the same people:
"This evidence indicates that the ancestors of the Rendille were part of the same people and speaking the same "Somaloid" or Proto-Somali language with the ancestors of the Somali, Sakuye and Gabbra people. This people were already organized round a complex camel culture at that time. This included an extensive ritual calendar, based on dual lunar and solar calendars involving ceremonies for the well-being of camels and humans."

So, if we were able to kick out Rendile for not accepting Islam, what makes you think if a somali clan today chooses to reject Islam we won't also kick them out and break all ties with them?
Reendile come from the word reer diinle (religion refusing family) as in they're the clan that refused Islam and were therefore kicked out and rejected by the rest of the Somalis.
This proves we are an Ethnoreligious group if people don't tow in line with Islam we cast them out and they become outcasts.


Nothing is true; everything is permitted
No but i think I'm starting to be turned off by it ngl. The arab worship and hatred of fellow Somalis is just not good for my pride and is so tragic to witness how mentally enslaved these people are.

It doesn't help how Islam seems to centre around arabs too much as well, from language to place of pilgrimage to prophets..... its like a recipe to create self hatred among non arabs

I'm sometimes so jealous of how Ethiopians managed to keep their beautiful culture alive (i notice christianity isn't anywhere near as aggressive as Islam when it comes to replacing cultures)

But we're reduced to wearing smelly bin bags and blasting each other loool
made an account to respond to this so hopefully you see it. I don't really think anyone knows what the culture of Ethiopians used to be before christianity. they've had that religion for literally thousands of years. Secondly, it's just a hypothesis but i think the reason we kinda look up to Arabs so much is cuz they are the ones closest to us (geographically) and just influenced us more. and since they are so much more powerful than us, just like the asians/whole world worship the white man we do the same. And since islam is the biggest thing we have in common, we try to imitate them through it or they try to manipulate us through it. i think this is where a strong government would be really nice cuz it can filter out all of the nonsense and give the people pride in their own culture. Like if you are made to believe that you have nothing culture/accomplishment wise and islam is the only thing you have, you're gonna hang onto it for dear life.

Also, when i talk to my parents and grandparent about this, they seem to hate the arabs a lot and it might be just an online thing (same thing with racist somalis).

As for the religion issue i think islam is the furthest thing from arab. like the early ashabas literally had to flee cuz islam went against almost everything the arabs were doing.

uprooting already existing cultures and replacing them with arab culture is nothing compared to what's happening rn. They are literally trying to replace the whole of islam with their own version/understanding of it and trying to pass that off as the "only right way".


didn’t Somalis use to Believe in waaq.

The Waaq religion is practiced by Oromos and Rendilles. Literally nobody knows how similar whatever religion we practiced before Islam was to contemporary Waaqeffanna and what it looked like, or if it was even called Waaq.

Which reinforces my point, the nucleus of everything "Somali" is centered around Islam. Calling yourself a non-Muslim Somali is like a Copt calling himself Hindu or an Armenian calling himself a Sikh. It's just an oxymoron.

Somalis are a textbook example of an ethnoreligious group, similar to the Malay & Hui

nicki minaj

He was the realest, I was the baddest 💋
I’ll be damned if a non-Somali tells me I’m not Somali.

People can comprehend the fact that ACTUAL ethno-religious groups like Jews can be ex-Jewish or Atheist but when it comes to Somalis…people are shocked!?? Why??? There’s more to Somalinimo than just being Muslim. Correct me if I’m wrong, but our ancestors weren’t even practicing Islam until the 14th-16th century (probably even later because there’s no way we all got fully islamized in one go).

I love how the Algerian dude claims the ex-Muslim might be an Ethiopian larper as if Somalis aren’t a major ethnic group in Ethiopia. Least ignorant North African take on SSA lol.

On that note, y’all need to stop allowing or inviting non-Somalis (like North Africans and South Asians) into our community and policing our people…ESPECIALLY Somali women.


The berber is correct in this instance. An Islamic heritage is a central component of the Somali ethnicity.
Stupid danyeers don’t know the difference between ethnicity and religion

worst of all, clap for this garlic breath who likes how much his people cucked ours

People focus too much on BLM Somalis and don't see the threat of the Ummu/Abu/Akhi/Ukhti- Arab cosplayers, who confuse Islam for acting like an Arab orphan.

You know how they have Korea-boos, Somalia is filled with Arab-boos.
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Shamsi is right on this one. There's been couple of instances in Speakers Corner where some guy claiming to be a Somali ex-Muslim turns up at the park. This guy claimed to be a Somali Christian but couldn't even answer what Somalis eat with rice.
One answer:
"They continue to resist Islam to this day, despite Somali legends that the Rendille abandoned Islam earlier and thus were banished."
Proof that they were once the same people:
"This evidence indicates that the ancestors of the Rendille were part of the same people and speaking the same "Somaloid" or Proto-Somali language with the ancestors of the Somali, Sakuye and Gabbra people. This people were already organized round a complex camel culture at that time. This included an extensive ritual calendar, based on dual lunar and solar calendars involving ceremonies for the well-being of camels and humans."

So, if we were able to kick out Rendile for not accepting Islam, what makes you think if a somali clan today chooses to reject Islam we won't also kick them out and break all ties with them?
Reendile come from the word reer diinle (religion refusing family) as in they're the clan that refused Islam and were therefore kicked out and rejected by the rest of the Somalis.
This proves we are an Ethnoreligious group if people don't tow in line with Islam we cast them out and they become outcasts.

This is a really interesting point. It is definitely noteworthy that every "Somali" tribe is Muslim and no religious minorities exist amongst us. To be Somali and non-Muslim is at the very least jarring.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Somalis are only an ethnic group because of Islam. You can seperate Malay/Javanese/Persian/Bengali culture from Islam because they remember their pre-Islamic culture, but it is impossible to seperate Islam from Somalis, it is ingrained to our core

A non-Muslim Somali is an oxymoron

Actually you’re wrong, with Malays at least.

You legally cannot be a Malay in Malaysia if you’re not Muslim.

The legal definition of a Malay is a Muslim in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei that can speak Malay and adheres to their customs.

Malays have absorbed a lot of Arab immigrants (esp Hadramautis) into the “Malay” identity because of this definition.
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Islam came from Allah عز وجل and not the Arabs.

Abu Jahl rejected Islam because the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was from Banu Hashim and not Banu Makhzum.

Nationalist ex-Muslims reject Islam because the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was an Arab and not from their ethnic group.

Miserable is the price for which they have sold their souls, in that they deny (the revelation) which Allah has sent down, in insolent envy that Allah of His Grace should send it to any of His servants He pleases: Thus have they drawn on themselves Wrath upon Wrath. And humiliating is the punishment of those who reject Faith.

(Al-Baqarah, verse 90)
:faysalwtf: Tons of Christian Ethiopians come to the park to say they're Somali, it's very cringey seeing them shake the second a Somali asks basic question in Somali atleast revise you gaals they're trying to make you gaal

Ignoring them in bus screaming at you is so awkward
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