B*ntu-Pygmy war in the Congo.

Pygmy liberation army.

In the Republic of Congo, where Pygmies are estimated to make up between 10% of the population,[39] many Pygmies live as slavesto Bantu masters. The nation is deeply stratified between these two major ethnic groups. The Pygmy slaves belong from birth to their Bantu masters in a relationship that the Bantus call a time-honored tradition. Even though the Pygmies are responsible for much of the hunting, fishing and manual labor in jungle villages, Pygmies and Bantus alike say Pygmies are often paid at the master's whim; in cigarettes, used clothing, or even nothing at all.

wllhi I feel bad for them


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Somalia Hanoolato
Pygmy liberation army.

In the Republic of Congo, where Pygmies are estimated to make up between 10% of the population,[39] many Pygmies live as slavesto Bantu masters. The nation is deeply stratified between these two major ethnic groups. The Pygmy slaves belong from birth to their Bantu masters in a relationship that the Bantus call a time-honored tradition. Even though the Pygmies are responsible for much of the hunting, fishing and manual labor in jungle villages, Pygmies and Bantus alike say Pygmies are often paid at the master's whim; in cigarettes, used clothing, or even nothing at all.

wllhi I feel bad for them
So why are Bantus always playing the victim? They are always playing the slavery card when they also engage in enslaving other black Africans.

Is there even any ethnic group in Africa that has not engaged in slavery?
So why are Bantus always playing the victim? They are always playing the slavery card when they also engage in enslaving other black Africans.

Is there even any ethnic group in Africa that has not engaged in slavery?
Because such a thing like bantu does not exist? I mean there are the Oromos and Afar that are killing Somali everyday, do you see them as your brothers?. Cushitism and also Bantuism for that matter does not exist and the ones that are complaining about Slavery are not the same ones doing it. I mean some bantu ethnic groups were enslavers themselves and profited from it and are not complaining and some are. Its stupid to see them as one groups
Swahili’s were bantu and the biggest slave dealers in Africa meanwhile their sabaki cousins the mijikenda didn’t engage in slavery much. Bantu doesn’t exist, it’s like Slav, South African Bantus don’t look like Kenyan Bantus don’t look like Congolese bantus


Somalia Hanoolato
Because such a thing like bantu does not exist? I mean there are the Oromos and Afar that are killing Somali everyday, do you see them as your brothers?. Cushitism and also Bantuism for that matter does not exist and the ones that are complaining about Slavery are not the same ones doing it. I mean some bantu ethnic groups were enslavers themselves and profited from it and are not complaining and some are. Its stupid to see them as one groups
Well they use the same name in public as if they are the same people and no one corrects them so why wouldn’t I see them as the same?

Miskeen is a term used by Arabs for their bastard children, can’t relate to it but that’s your lexicon.


Somalia Hanoolato
Miskeen San hunter-gatherers certainly didn't engage in slavery.
So what makes these people not hunter gatherers, the fact that they have slaves to do what they want elevated them from their proto-bantuness lol
Well they use the same name in public as if they are the same people and no one corrects them so why wouldn’t I see them as the same?

Miskeen is a term used by Arabs for their bastard children, can’t relate to it but that’s your lexicon.
No one uses the term bantu in africa, saxib who told you that. It's just a term of a language group invented by europeans. I mean many don't even use black in africa. You are just talking about some pan-african or pan-black diaspora on the internet that are not representative of their home countries or larping african americans. I mean most warfare in african countries is along ethnic lines mostly between different bantu ethnic groups and some of them are muslim, some of the christians and some still pagan. Also the connection between the bantu groups is very ancient and forgotten, these languages aren't even mutually intelligible. Some Bantu from kenya will see more similarities in a Somali in the same country than a bantu in Camerun.


Somalia Hanoolato
No one uses the term bantu in africa, saxib who told you that. It's just a term of a language group invented by europeans. I mean many don't even use black in africa. You are just talking about some pan-african or pan-black diaspora on the internet that are not representative of their home countries or larping african americans. I mean most warfare in african countries is along ethnic lines mostly between different bantu ethnic groups and some of them are muslim, some of the christians and some still pagan. Also the connection between the bantu groups is very ancient and forgotten, these languages aren't even mutually intelligible. Some Bantu from kenya will see more similarities in a Somali in the same country than a bantu in Camerun.
Waryaa, I don’t care about you or your extended clip opinion waaaaalahi ooh biilaaahi ooh taalaahi you been gassed by shayaateen. Billayo iyo caaaanddufo kuluul aa ku daaley. Waax baraasho wanaagsan aad uuu bahantaahay. Okaaay?? Haye deh! You foolish 1.

What you don’t know is, my friend, first off I’m a real and clearly you are a bot fly account, perhaps Asian or Chinese or even Russian. You are fake news. Perhaps some kind of mixed breed zoo who don’t really keep up with the times lol. Naga leexo bleease.

Zoos are some of the most racist creatures on this plant and I know from personal experience. Don’t you dare step in this room and tell me about my life being called a dirty Bantu by filthy ugly Somali ilkocase like you and your ilk. I don’t even believe you’re Somali because this is unfortunately an unvetted open forum where idiots like you come to spay and neuter themselves out existence in this world.

s and or cadaans or whatever tf you are have been calling Bantus dirty from the jump. And I won’t be shamed by a namelsss know nothing idiot like yourself in this local waterhole of a forum.

Take your disrespect and send it to your pappy! He might be happy to see you for the first time in his life you fatherless one. Son of a liar.
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Waryaa, I don’t care about you or your extended clip opinion waaaaalahi ooh biilaaahi ooh taalaahi you been gassed by shayaateen. Billayo iyo caaaanddufo kuluul aa ku daaley. Waax baraasho wanaagsan aad uuu bahantaahay. Okaaay?? Haye deh! You foolish 1.

What you don’t know is, my friend, first off I’m a real and clearly you are a bot fly account, perhaps Asian or Chinese or even Russian. You are fake news. Perhaps some kind of mixed breed zoo who don’t really keep up with the times lol. Naga leexo bleease.

Zoos are some of the most racist creatures on this plant and I know from personal experience. Don’t you dare step in this room and tell me about my life being called a dirty Bantu by filthy ugly Somali ilkocase like you and your ilk. I don’t even believe you’re Somali because this is unfortunately an unvetted open forum where idiots like you come to spay and neuter themselves out existence in this world.

s and or cadaans or whatever tf you are have been calling Bantus dirty from the jump. And I won’t be shamed by a namelsss know nothing idiot like yourself in this local waterhole of a forum.

Take your disrespect and send it to your pappy! He might be happy to see you for the first time in his life you fatherless one. Son of a liar.
I don't know what kind of illness you have (mental or otherwise) but ilaahay caafimaad ha ku siiyo. If you get that mad I would consider leaving this forum for your mental health, kheyr ban ku rajeynayaa

Garaad diinle

 
Bantu as far as i know is a designation of languages group roughly speaking under the equateur,
down to south africa excluding hunter gatherers land.The name bantu in itself meaning people was created by linguist since it's used by all of them.These languages are remarkable close to each other.

Someone living in kenya assuming thier language doesn't have a large influence from cushitic or nilotic could in theory undrestand someone from the congo granted with a lot of effort, meanwhile a somali can't understand an oromo neighbour or any non somaloid cushitic languges at all.

That's what prompted the theory of bantu expansion which was later confirmed by archaeology. That being said other than having a common origin they don't see each other as a single nation or people.


Somalia Hanoolato
I don't know what kind of illness you have (mental or otherwise) but ilaahay caafimaad ha ku siiyo. If you get that mad I would consider leaving this forum for your mental health, kheyr ban ku rajeynayaa
You are a garaaabo head loool end of fkn story broski. Good luck at Starbucks tonight. You got flamed and have zero comebacks.

wallahi bro it may have sounded mean when I said it but I swear on everything I love I was dying of laughter. It’s all jokes to me bro. Even your reply was funny. I like this forum.
You are a garaaabo head loool end of fkn story broski. Good luck at Starbucks tonight. You got flamed and have zero comebacks.

wallahi bro it may have sounded mean when I said it but I swear on everything I love I was dying of laughter. It’s all jokes to me bro. Even your reply was funny. I like this forum.
Are you a fob or European?