Babies used in a suicide bombing in Nigeria

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Female suicide bombers in Nigeria are now carrying babies to avoid detection in their attacks, authorities warn.

An attack in the town of Madagali on 13 January saw two women detonate their devices, killing themselves, two babies, and four others.

They had passed a vigilante checkpoint, mistaken for civilians because they were carrying infants.

Female attackers have been seen before, but officials said the use of babies could signal a "dangerous" trend.

The insurgent group Boko Haram is widely suspected of having carried out the attack.



Where exactly do they get these babies from? Steal them? Their own babies?

WTF. So they're actually kidnapping or making babies for bombs now..


I have an IQ of 300
The entire continent of Africa needs to be nuked off the face of the Earth.
I know we reside there also but it's a sacrifice we've gotta make, we're just dragging the rest of humanity down, make tahriib en masse if you want to live :dabcasar:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Damn that's absolutely ruthless :icon lol:

It will be a monumental struggle to defeat an enemy that determined.
These people are the lowest of the low using innocent babies to do their dirty work?! Absolutely vile! Just when u thought humanity couldn't sink any lower


The whole ideology behind suicide bombings for the terrorist is that collateral damage in the way of fellow humans, or even fellow Muslims, or life, or children isn't evil or bad bc in the grander scheme of things, you're doing god's work. The greater good. Everything will be righted by the higher power for the victims of the attack, who're not really victims, but freed from this life of suffering to a greater afterlife, esp so for a baby free of sins.

We thought the 7 y.o girls being strapped by their parents to be detonated in Syria was bad, now it's babies being carried to be blown up. Talk about 'acudubilah'.
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