Back to Cadale, The truth revealed that we protect them and cannot go beyond our borders with all Somaliwayn Army kkkk

Yaasiin fareey oo ceeldheer ka soo cararey Cadale uu joogaa🤣🤣

Akhyaarey marabo inaan cidaan ku taag taagsado intaan ka badan laakin hanaloo qiro inaan isku dhaween oon Hirshbelle uga badanahay, ka xoog badanahay ayagoo hubkii qaranka dhan heesta ee magaca Somalia lagu bixiyay

Maalintii ay soo galayeen adan yabaal ayaana sheegnay waxba maysan qaban waxay soo mareen xuduudeena with ceelbaraf ilaa Ceel cali axmed oo budbud ku dhaqan oon u qabanay inteysan imaan. This safe zone anagaa ilaalina.

Xawaadle min matabaan ilaa iji xuduudeena with HG, Murusade iyo Abgaal taako kama heesato khawaarijta waa maxay sababta Al Shabaab beelahaan kale uga adagtahay waliba beeshii wax walbe la isigu geeyay ee abgaal? 15 wiil oo Xawaadle ah ayaa ku lumay Cowsweyne oo la la yahay kuwa kale waxay soo galeen moqokori laba maalin kadib ciidamada dhintay biyamaal aa u badnaa somaliwayn waaye taliyaasha aa ayaga la siiyaa faan faan iyo igu sawir oon real generals aheen

Waxaa iiga daran dadkii sanad ku dhawaad Al khawaarijta laga saarey caawa dhiigooda waa la xalaaleystey waxaa ka socda qax wayn galcad iyo ceeldheer iyo masagawaa sidee hadhoow dad ku helee ciidanka la shaqeeya hadaad ka soo carareysid? Fuleygii Yaaasiin Fareey ee dhihi jiray Xawaadle waa naga dacaayad badan yihiin ee nagama qatarsana cadale ayuu kabo la aan ku soo galay xataa waa istaagi waayey nuurdugle 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Aniga suaasheeyda waxa waaye Abgaal miyaa wax noo dhaw ah ragii garta goonjiray soo gala soo anaga ma ilaalino dadkaas aa raba inay Hirshabelle hogaamiyaan oo wax walbe qaataan ka waran?

Ceelbuur waxaan maqlayaa in Saraakiishii loo diri rabo helicopter lagu soo qaado ciidankana laga tagi rabo ilaahoow badbaadi

Waa been wararka sheegay the missing shaahmacaba ay ka caroodeen nimankaan waa fulayaal cawswayne iyo budbud ay ka naxeen marka militiadii waceysle ayaa carartey labo guuto oo la joogtayna waa ka soo tagtey markii la cidleeyay



Gabdha ka carey ceeldheer oo wali duurka ku jira

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Who protects us in the black area then? There is hardly any SNA other than local 27th division in the black or the supposed ‘safe zone’ just Macawiisley. You don’t defend anyone. It’s just Shabaab have support from some reer runirgood town (not those who live elsewhere in the district like daru nicma) and Waceysle. They have no support within Harti abgaal and rest of wacbudhan hence why it’s been peaceful in the black + rubbish ‘safe zone’ area there since December. Nothing to do with hawadle

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What is going on? Why are you Hutus hellbent on killing each other?
Shabaab doesn’t have qabiil, they unfortunately seem to have support in those fronts. Also there’s ppl who don’t see it in their benefit for HSM to defeat them.

Either way the reason isn’t important. SNA is breaking down


Shabaab doesn’t have qabiil, they unfortunately seem to have support in those fronts. Also there’s ppl who don’t see it in their benefit for HSM to defeat them.

Either way the reason isn’t important. SNA is breaking down
So long for your mighty SNA that will conquer Jilib 🤣
Who protects us in the black area then? There is hardly any SNA other than local 27th division in the black or the supposed ‘safe zone’ just Macawiisley. You don’t defend anyone. It’s just Shabaab have support from some reer runirgood town (not those who live elsewhere in the district like daru nicma) and Waceysle. They have no support within Harti abgaal and rest of wacbudhan hence why it’s been peaceful in the black + rubbish ‘safe zone’ area there since December. Nothing to do with hawadle

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I thought that was no brainer 🤣🤣

Waxaa ii sheegtaa sababta cararkii aad ka soo biloowdey cowsweyne aadan ugu istaagin budbud iyo galcad xataa Gallibaax ood ugu istaagtey Ceelcali Axmed( CCA)? The answer is bc Hawadle is protecting it from behind just like all the abgaal border villages and towns with Hiiraan.

Noe let us come to the east of Adan yabaal like Daarunicma and ceel bacad 30km from adan yabaal how many times they fell to Shabaab? Up to ruunirgood is under Al shabaab attacks. Basically harti are protected by Hawadle, waceysle and Daauud have no Darbi like this simple as that. You need to liq and swallow this bitter truth and be grateful to your Hawadle protector 😎😎






It’s a roller coaster Wallahi. Unpredictable nation
Which is why a powerful Xamar is in none of our interests. Imagine Farmaajo gets all the powers the NCC are giving Xamar?

Your best insurance policy against this wild country is your home state. We learnt the hard way in Jubaland under Farmaajo
I thought that was no brainer 🤣🤣

Waxaa ii sgeegtaa sababta cararkii aad ja soo biloowdey cowsweyne aadan ugu istaagin budbud iyo galcad ood ugu istaagtey Ceepcali Axmed( CCA)? The answer is bc Hawadle is protecting it just like all the abgaal border villages and towns with Hiiraan.

Noe let us come tp east of Adan yabaal like Daarunicm and ceel bacad 30km from adan yabaal how many times they fell to Shabaab? Up to ruunirgood is under Al shabaab attacks. Basically harti are protected by Hawadle, waceysle and Daauud have no Darbi like this simple as that. You need to liq and swallow this bitter truth and be grateful to your Hawadle protector 😎😎

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Who is protecting reer nur dhugle? guulane? Xaaji Cali/cadale? biyocade? Those in raage ceele? Forget reer mataan and celi cumar in warsheihk and Balcad. I can go on and on and all these places I mentioned are within the black box I drew. None of these places are Shabaab anywhere near and no hawadle borders these areas. Eastern Galmudug is Shabaab base in gobolada dhexe iyo daudka runirgood jooga never co - operated with the goverment since they first liberated the place. Everywhere else in middle Shabelle, locals welcomed goverment troops and officials with shirib, xoolo and Macawiisley. My point is you’re not protecting anyone. Ciise harti and buurale have their own Macawiisley in their deegans.

You cannot deny anything I just said and it’s tiring to go in circles. You’re trying to downplay peoples struggles and efforts over a mere paper state president. that’s desperation of the highest order.
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Which is why a powerful Xamar is in none of our interests. Imagine Farmaajo gets all the powers the NCC are giving Xamar?

Your best insurance policy against this wild country is your home state. We learnt the hard way in Jubaland under Farmaajo
without a powerful centre this country is just ila meerayso. a playground for our neighbours and foreign powers
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Al Khawaarij have reached Nuurdugle and burned it look the the difference of the photos between when guudlawe visited it and after that. i added new pic after its reconstruction. You said this happened when they were leaving then why Nuurdugle bar was burned it was there when guudlawe visited it weeks after its liberatiion.

Again its no brainer i dont know how your brain functions 🤣🤣

If Adan yabaal collapses Guulane will collapse and so Cali gaduud and you will be back to Cadale. 🤣🤣

Im done with you.




You started from Cadale, Nuurdugle, caligaduud, guulane, then reached the already liberated ceelbaraf, ceeldheere buraale, adan yabaal cali axmed. Al shabaab will come back this way. After you reached ceel cali axmed you spread to hinterland like al kawther ceel bacad daarunicma ruunirgood from hiiraan borer 🤣🤣

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Al Khawaarij have reached Nuurdugle and burned it look the the difference of the photos between when guudlawe visited it and after that. i added new pic after its reconstruction. You said this happened when they were leaving then why Nuurdugle bar was burned it was there when guudlawe visited it weeks after its liberatiion.

Again its no brainer i dont know how your brain functions 🤣🤣

If Adan yabaal collapses Guulane will collapse and so Cali gaduud and you will be back to Cadale. 🤣🤣

Im done with you.

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Iska cayten eebow. You do this every time we discuss and I prove you wrong :ulyin: . Wax badan baan ka yarahay and you never see me caytan first. Only when responding to yours. I like it however it shows I’m clearly crushing down on your bullshit. Reer guulane and nur dhugle/maxaa saacid oo hoos taga degmada runirgood with their Macawiisley. Again none of these places border hawadle so if these people who have Shabaab to their immediate north do not need protection, why are you defending those that have no shabaab anywhere near them in the ‘safe zone!’ My whole point is you’re not defending anyone.

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Iska cayten eebow. You do this every time we discuss and I prove you wrong :ulyin: . Wax badan baan ka yarahay and you never see me caytan first. Only when responding to yours. I like it however it shows I’m clearly crushing down on your bullshit. Reer guulane and nur dhugle/maxaa saacid oo hoos taga degmada runirgood with their Macawiisley. Again none of these places border hawadle so if your not protecting these people who have Shabaab to their north, how are you defending those that have no shabaab near them in the ‘safe zone!’

i havent insulted you its bc you are asking something that is no brainer

You started from cadale till you reached cali gaduud and nuurdugle

Bc hiiraan border was secure you gone to guulane, ceelbaraf, ceeldheere buraale, adan yabaal ceel cali axmed all liberated by Hawade we have the sntv videos and ours

From hiiraan you spread to the hinterland and galgaduud like ceelbacad al kawthar darunicma galibaax

Now if ceeldheeree buraale and ceelbaraf collapse al shabaab will go back the same road you used to reach Hawadle. Guulane, caligaduud cadale. Nuurdugle will automatically collapse 🤣🤣

This is the quick way you reached Adan yabaab abd Cali ceel Axmed while Al shabaab was controlling all that hinterland like Al kawthar ceelbacad daarunicma. You freed them from Adan yabaal after you reached it from guulane to ceeldheere buraale and adan yabaal aka ar Xawaadlee iigeeya. Al Shabaab will come back on this way to Cadale if Ceeldheere buraale collapses. The only Abgaal liberated area before Adan Yabaal was till Nuurdugle(the coastal front)



Al Khawaarij have reached Nuurdugle and burned it look the the difference of the photos between when guudlawe visited it and after that. i added new pic after its reconstruction. You said this happened when they were leaving then why Nuurdugle bar was burned it was there when guudlawe visited it weeks after its liberatiion.

Again its no brainer i dont know how your brain functions 🤣🤣

If Adan yabaal collapses Guulane will collapse and so Cali gaduud and you will be back to Cadale. 🤣🤣

Im done with you.

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You started from Cadale, Nuurdugle, caligaduud, guulane, then reached the already liberated ceelbaraf, ceeldheere buraale, adan yabaal cali axmed. Al shabaab will come back this way. After you reached ceel cali axmed you spread to hinterland like al kawther ceel bacad daarunicma ruunirgood from hiiraan borer 🤣🤣

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Are you an alshabab supporter? Why does this make you happy?


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