Badhaadhe District gets the most rain in Somalia on average



Say masha Allah :lawd:


Badhaadhe and lower Jubba least affected in the country by the recent drought


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Do you have any idea why does Kismayo and Jamaame receive less rain water than Buaale even though they are next to Badhaadhe? And what does Badhaadhe mean?
I have no clue why Kismaayo and Jamaame get less rain. Badhaadhe is the same as Baraare in other words barwaaqo. The district is named after the district capital which is the greenest Somali city on the planet. When OG first came across it, they called it Badhaadhe as they were amazed at how green and full of water it was (OG in Ogadenia use the Dh rather than R reer Koonfur use). Badhaadhe district is dotted with lakes which extend to Afmadow district and are known as Haro Waamo. Some are seasonal, some are more permanent
I have no clue why Kismaayo and Jamaame get less rain. Badhaadhe is the same as Baraare in other words barwaaqo. The district is named after the district capital which is the greenest Somali city on the planet. When OG first came across it, they called it Badhaadhe as they were amazed at how green and full of water it was (OG in Ogadenia use the Dh rather than R reer Koonfur use). Badhaadhe district is dotted with lakes which extend to Afmadow district and are known as Haro Waamo. Some are seasonal, some are more permanent
Is the land hilly around Baraare or flat? If its bit hilly it will contain more rainwater and the area stays more resilient in the face of failed rain water, right?

And also is this beautiful land around Burgabo like a Fjord(sea water pushing inland) or river flowing to ocean?


Is the land hilly around Baraare or flat?

And also is this beautiful land around Burgabo like a Fjord(sea water pushing inland) or river flowing to ocean?
View attachment 263432
It’s sea water. A tog discharges into the ocean where it begins. There’s a town up that stretch from Buurgaabo called Buushbuushle that has a well with permanent freshwater right next to the shore with salty water. It is most flat with a few hills and valleys


@Rationale use the map on this website instead of Google maps. It is way clearer and more up to date. This spot is Badhaadhe town



Dadkaan ahay waa Duriyad Saare iyo Dawolad! 👑
Wallahi Somalia has some of the most if not the beautifulest landscapes I have ever seen! Bal fiiri meeshaan nothing short of sun kissed shores and mesmerizing palm trees, and nature all around. My type of getaway :samwelcome:

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
No wonder the Gaajo Gedoans try to claim the Jubbas. Badhaadhe, Afmadow, and Bu’aale get the most rain in the country

@Somali Ugaas
Are we the ones who are gaajo?

xishood waarya, take a good lol at this almost all other daarod majority areas are on top laakin OG are the only ones behind. Get your PM to help YOUR gaajo people.


Jubaland has the best pastoral land in somalia mashallah
There is only one catch to the two Jubbas: the tsetse flies (gendi). Only the livestock that are originally from the region can survive, livestock brought from elsewhere quickly get sick or die. Our livestock are used to it and thrive


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