Bakool region’s security operation




Yes those shaydhans took us back 30 years.
Xagjirnimo ideology must be eliminated from the region starting with those who cozy up with the leaders and claim to want to start funding for Madrasas. We know that they are secretly funding & planning for Qarax iyo Dagaal. Once this is over those khariji figures within our mosques & homes should be eliminated.
Ban Ittixaad, Ictisaam, Ikhwan, Gulf charities like Ihyaa turaath Islami etc. They are all closet terrorists. Wherever they spread, terrorism follows. I'v been saying this for years but people think I'm crazy. The biggest threat we have are Ictisam like Umal and his terrorist cousin Xasaan who openly preaches in Nairobi. Yes I said it, they are all terrorists.
Ban Ittixaad, Ictisaam, Ikhwan, Gulf charities like Ihyaa turaath Islami etc. They are all closet terrorists. Wherever they spread, terrorism follows. I'v been saying this for years but people think I'm crazy. The biggest threat we have are Ictisam like Umal and his terrorist cousin Xasaan who openly preaches in Nairobi. Yes I said it, they are all terrorists.

Ictisaam, Islaax, Itixaad, & Al Ikhwan are all terrorist groups looking for opportunities to restart military operations like Ahlu Shaydhan does in southern Somalia. Especially Itixaad which is still caring for the wounds they received in the 90s. meanwhile Ictisaam has infiltrated all forms of government in Puntland, Somaliland & Mogadishu. The Administration must ban these extremists from the region.
Ban Ittixaad, Ictisaam, Ikhwan, Gulf charities like Ihyaa turaath Islami etc. They are all closet terrorists. Wherever they spread, terrorism follows. I'v been saying this for years but people think I'm crazy. The biggest threat we have are Ictisam like Umal and his terrorist cousin Xasaan who openly preaches in Nairobi. Yes I said it, they are all terrorists.
Leave Sheikh umal alone.The worst is Axmed blackie that guy needs to go asap.

He makes deals with everyone and he is the founding member of AS.
2 more terrorists have been captured and turned in by our brave armed nomads protecting our region 💪🏾

every herdsman has been notified to either kill or hunt down these bastards till their filthy blood is cleansed from this earth

Somali regional state president Mustafe Muhumed omar Cagjar visited the Somali state forces who defended our borders with Hiiraan yesterday. President Cagjar examined the weapons captured from the enemy mercenaries.

Ka sheekee

al Qushaash la goo-goo
La gub’yoo markii ay
Gollaheenan timiday
Daaqday geedo baaso
gumuc iyo rasaastiyo
Lagu naar gantaalaha

Giiryaale socod badan
wuxuu giririf’leeyaba
Af Libaax markuu galo
La gunaanad weeye
Gardarooy ninkaagii
Gablan’yee ka sheekee

God Abeeso leedahay
Ninka Gogosha gaystee
Gama’a raadinayoow
Adaa Geerri doontaye
Gacalka sidee yahay

Cabsi Lala gurguurtiyo
Gurcud iyo habeen iyo
Gaadmay taqaanaye

Geesi aragti dheeroon
Gabashada aqoon baa
Gulluf adag ku qaadoo
Geed kii ay fuushaba
Ragg u soo gammuuroo
Gunta hoose jara iyo
Liyuu gaatamaa helay

Allaylehe gaddoontee
Gobanimo dadkaygow
waa Guul midnimo lee
Garab jooga geesigu
waa gobol xasuus loo
Tariikhda Galaysee
Nin kastow garwaaqsoo
Geeshkaaga taageer!!
Aynu Guusha hananee

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Ugaaska Beesha Ogaaden in Bakool region praises Liyuu Boolis & the residents of Aato district for defending their homeland.


