Balkan obsession with ancestry


If you thought Somalis were obsessed with ancestry... meet the South Slavs!


Lol, Somalis like me who are into genetics because of how weird Somalis look and wanting to know the ancient origins & see if the peculiar Somali clan system is real or not since Somalis place a lot of social value on this clan system which could be fake.

No territorial claims reasons behind it like perhaps is the case with Balkan people into genealogy.

Nevertheless, the video is interesting, watching it right now.


Forza Somalia!
Is there a genetic purity/uniqueness obsession there? It would be weird to have that kind of things over there


Is there a genetic purity/uniqueness obsession there? It would be weird to have that kind of things over there

The title and thumbnail is misleading and clickbait.

The video mainly talks about territorial disputes about who is the original native to a certain region and who has more claims to a specific territory. It is not about genetic tests.


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
The title and thumbnail is misleading and clickbait.

The video mainly talks about territorial disputes about who is the original native to a certain region and who has more claims to a specific territory. It is not about genetic tests.

Yeah, also the guy is ideologically biased in favour of communism.


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
Is there a genetic purity/uniqueness obsession there? It would be weird to have that kind of things over there

To a certain extent there is. Serbs think that Bosniaks, Croats and all other south Slavs are the offsprings of serbs, created by foreign powers to divide Serbia and make it weaker.



This American comedy show even made a joke skit about how tribalistic Balkan people are:

So it looks like this could be true (a lot of Tribalism in the Balkans).
To a certain extent there is. Serbs think that Bosniaks, Croats and all other south Slavs are the offsprings of serbs, created by foreign powers to divide Serbia and make it weaker.
Croats became catholic around the same time Serbs became orthodox. It'd be more apt to say Bosniaks were Serbs, since they were mostly orthodox before converting to Islam. Still it's cool all 3 ethnoreligious groups kept the same language and culture besides religion. It's common for people in the region to abandon their culture upon converting like Greeks, Bulgarians, Armenians, Georgians who became Turkish when they embraced Islam.
Croats became catholic around the same time Serbs became orthodox. It'd be more apt to say Bosniaks were Serbs, since they were mostly orthodox before converting to Islam. Still it's cool all 3 ethnoreligious groups kept the same language and culture besides religion. It's common for people in the region to abandon their culture upon converting like Greeks, Bulgarians, Armenians, Georgians who became Turkish when they embraced Islam.
Most of the Bosnian Kings were Roman Catholics and were tolerant/indifferent of the other denominations that were wide-spread in their realm. I think this lack of religious unity contributed to making the Bosnians fairly easy for conversion to Islam when the Ottomans arrived.

Serbians & Greeks were the complete opposite because of high adherence to their Orthodox Church and consistently resisted and instigated many uprisings/resistance against Ottoman occupation.
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Most of the Bosnian Kings were Roman Catholics and were tolerant/indifferent of the other denominations that were wide-spread in their realm. I think this lack of religious unity contributed to making the Bosnians fairly easy for conversion to Islam when the Ottomans arrived.

Serbians & Greeks were the complete opposite because of high adherence to their Orthodox Church and consistently resisted and instigated many uprisings/resistance against Ottoman occupation.
Great point. The people of Bosnia territory weren't 100% converted to Islam, the religious diversity still persists. Basically still 50% Muslim, 50% Christian.



East Africa UNUKA LEH
To a certain extent there is. Serbs think that Bosniaks, Croats and all other south Slavs are the offsprings of serbs, created by foreign powers to divide Serbia and make it weaker.
So essentially serbs as handicapped?


To a certain extent there is. Serbs think that Bosniaks, Croats and all other south Slavs are the offsprings of serbs, created by foreign powers to divide Serbia and make it weaker.
Do you consider the boshnaks of Plav and Gusinje to be real Bosniaks? I hope my question isn't offensive, tbh they do look different from each other. The ones from Bosnia are more light featured while the ones from Montenegro are med leaning.


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
Do you consider the boshnaks of Plav and Gusinje to be real Bosniaks? I hope my question isn't offensive, tbh they do look different from each other. The ones from Bosnia are more light featured while the ones from Montenegro are med leaning.

They are heavily admixed with Albanians, especially in Plav and Gusinje. But Slavs and Albanians in those areas of the dinarides (Montenegro and Northern Albania especially) are connected genetically and culturally (tribalist life style with blood vengeances).

Light featured Bosniaks in Bosnia? Why? Becauze we wuzzz Goths!!


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
Most of the Bosnian Kings were Roman Catholics and were tolerant/indifferent of the other denominations that were wide-spread in their realm. I think this lack of religious unity contributed to making the Bosnians fairly easy for conversion to Islam when the Ottomans arrived.

Serbians & Greeks were the complete opposite because of high adherence to their Orthodox Church and consistently resisted and instigated many uprisings/resistance against Ottoman occupation.

Most of them were only Catholics on the surface. Most of them practised eather eastern orthodoxy or belonged to the Bosnian church.

Roman catholic church was everything but tolerant towards other denominations. They even launched crusades on Bosnia because of its population practised either orthodoxy or the beliefs of the Bosnian church. No wonder Islam spread so easily, the catholic church was very hostile.
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Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
Croats became catholic around the same time Serbs became orthodox. It'd be more apt to say Bosniaks were Serbs, since they were mostly orthodox before converting to Islam. Still it's cool all 3 ethnoreligious groups kept the same language and culture besides religion. It's common for people in the region to abandon their culture upon converting like Greeks, Bulgarians, Armenians, Georgians who became Turkish when they embraced Islam.

You have to keep in mind that most serbs were roman catholics, many of the early serbian kings were approved by the bishop of rome. Heck, even stefan nemanja (the founder of the serbian orthodox church) was baptized as a catholic as a child.
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Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
But back to the theme, the South Slavic obsession with genetics is really toxic.

Let me give an example . I was watching a video on Youtube about the serbian tribes of Montenegro (there is a shitload of them) and these guys argued in the comments section how one tribe was superior to the other because of the high concentration of I2 in them, while the other (with high concentration of E) was compared to Albanians and even North Africans in a very demeaning way.

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