Bantu expansion 2.0

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I'm a Nilote, like this dude

No cushatic people are more than all Bantu put together. Bantu population is close to 250 million people I don’t know where he got the extra 1 million? The Cushitic people are close to 350 to 400 million.
Lol cushitic are not even 150 millions, habeshas aren't cushitic. If you want to count them in, then you must count Kenyan Luos and other non-bantu speakers with mostly Bantu genetics as Bantu.
I wonder where some people here are getting the numbers they are throwing around. Truth is that Cushitic people are not more than 100 million in population. Oromos are about 45 million and Somalis about 35 million. Then add the other langaab cushitic tribes like Beja, Afars, Rendille, Boran etc and the total number will barely add up to 100 million.

Habeshas are not cushitic so I wonder why people are including them in this "pan-cushitic alliance".

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
Lol cushitic are not even 150 millions, habeshas aren't cushitic. If you want to count them in, then you must count Kenyan Luos and other non-bantu speakers with mostly Bantu genetics as Bantu.
nahh the time of habesha being anything in ethiopia is over, oromo are the new leaders, habesha don't like arabs so they easily will alliance with us

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
I wonder where some people here are getting the numbers they are throwing around. Truth is that Cushitic people are not more than 100 million in population. Oromos are about 45 million and Somalis about 35 million. Then add the other langaab cushitic tribes like Beja, Afars, Rendille, Boran etc and the total number will barely add up to 100 million.

Habeshas are not cushitic so I wonder why people are including them in this "pan-cushitic alliance".
they already identify with cushitic and hate anything to do with arab lol and oromo now lead ethiopia it's over for habesha


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Free movement with Bantu states. You are literally speeding up the Bantu Expansion

Say Word Reaction GIF by Justin
No cushatic people are more than all Bantu put together. Bantu population is close to 250 million people I don’t know where he got the extra 1 million? The Cushitic people are close to 350 to 400 million.
It is not logically or practically possible for Cushitic people to be more than Bantu in population. Bantus literally occupy more than half the continent of Africa, from Cameroon in the west to Kenya in the east and all the way down to South Africa. If you add the population of all those countries, it is close to half a billion. Truly laandheere people :ohhh:
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It is not logically or practically possible for Cushitic people to be more than Bantu in population. Bantus literally occupy more than half the continent of Africa, from Cameroon in the west to Kenya in the east and all the way down to south Africa. If you add the population of all those countries, it is close to half a billion. Truly laandheere people :ohhh:
Mate Africa as whole is no more than 1.46 billion in population. North Africa with almost 270 million That leaves 1.190 billion sub Saharan. West Africa almost 440 million and Southern Africa all Bantu territory almost 290 million. And then all Eastern Africa almost 460 million. In east Africa Cushitic people are almost 200 million not to far from the Bantu population 😊
It's really funny that some people still haven't digested our migration, which took place over a century ago like common men just LET IT GO.

And by the way, the main problem in 2023 will be the expansion of the Nilo-Saharan and Fulani peoples across Bantu land and even Cushitic ppl like somali since the Somalis have no desire to live on their own land due to war, climate change etc... Bantu expansion right now is a MYTH bantu don't move all the waya round inthe non bantu area this is actyually the opposite and i think bantu speaker need to be ready because its not good for them. And I'm talking mainly about the western part of central africa in republic of congo, where the chadians are already starting to migrate because of the desertification of their land. And let's not even talk about the Bantus in Kenya or east africa, who are doomed imo. The Somalis will soon replace them within a generation anyway