Bantu expansion 2.0

Cushitic is Sudan, ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and somalia.

Ethiopia = 120 mil
Sudan = 45 mil
Djibouti = 1 mil
Eritrea = 4 mil
Somalia = 18 mil

Cushitic population is 188 million.

By 2050:

Ethiopia = 208 million
Somalia = 33 million
Djibouti = 2 million
Eritrea = 10 million
Sudan = 81 million

Cushitic population by 2050 will be 334 million.
We can probably double this number to around 700 million if we gain new lands by then such as taking Kenya, uganda from the madows.

By 2100:

Ethiopia = 294 million
Somalia = 76 million
Djibouti = 3 million
Eritrea = 14 million
Sudan = 142 million

Cushitic population in 2100 would be 529 million. Again, if we gain new lands like Kenya and Uganda and tanzania that would be nearly 800-900 million cushites. We would be proper landheers.
What do you mean by cushitic, east africans or what?

This cushitic thing is as fake as wakanda, there is nothing that makes us more closer to the supposed cushites than the rest of east africans, afars forex are more closer genetically to amhara and tigrayans than to somalis, and oromos are proven to be hodgebodge of unrelated ethnicities mixed together through assimilation and on the top of that there is neither shared history nor common values, so no need to brag about a fake race that never existed.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
What do you mean by cushitic, east africans or what?

This cushitic thing is as fake as wakanda, there is nothing that makes us more closer to the supposed cushites than the rest of east africans, afars forex are more closer genetically to amhara and tigrayans than to somalis, and oromos are proven to be hodgebodge of unrelated ethnicities mixed together through assimilation and on the top of that there is neither shared history nor common values, so no need to brag about a fake race that never existed.
Cushitic is literally a language family with a common language and ancestry. It's literally a genetic fact.

there is nothing that makes us more closer to the supposed cushites than the rest of east africans
Are you telling me someone from tanzania is closer to me than an oromo? You're tapped.
It's a genetic fact that somalis are related to other Cushitic speaking groups in North East Africa.

Cry about it
Cushitic is literally a language family with a common language and ancestry. It's literally a genetic fact.

Are you telling me someone from tanzania is closer to me than an oromo? You're tapped.
It's a genetic fact that somalis are related to other Cushitic speaking groups in North East Africa.
N1gga why are you so emotional, no one has talked about tanzania in the first place, but there are many ethiopian and eritrean communities that aren't considered as cushitics and my point is that there is nothing that makes us closer to cushitics than the rest of ethiopians, and if you get any you can share it with us without gaslighting and bringing up irrelevant things


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
N1gga why are you so emotional, no one has talked about tanzania in the first place, but there are many ethiopian and eritrean communities that aren't considered as cushitics and my point is that there is nothing that makes us closer to cushitics than the rest of ethiopians, and if you get any you can share it with us without gaslighting and bringing up irrelevant things
You said we are closer to other east africans compared to cushites. Tanzania is east Africa no?

There is groups not considered cushtiitc speaking in Ethiopia and Eritrea called habasha or Ethio semites but they are essentially just Cushitic speaking peoples who language shifted to a Semetic one after semites from migrated into the Ethiopian highlands. One of the only central Cushitic languages native to the region after the shift to Ethio semitic is agew
You said we are closer to other east africans compared to cushites. Tanzania is east Africa no?

There is groups not considered cushtiitc speaking in Ethiopia and Eritrea called habasha or Ethio semites but they are essentially just Cushitic speaking peoples who language shifted to a Semetic one after semites from migrated into the Ethiopian highlands. One of the only central Cushitic languages native to the region after the shift to Ethio semitic is agew
Where did I said we more closer to tanzanians, I just said cush is fake thing and have got abundant of evidences to say so

And now it seems you are considering that its only the language what shapes the ethnicities, but keep in mind that languages are dynamic process that change over time with political and social dynamics, so we need to correlate many things here
If only the language was the factor than Portuguese would have been more closer to brazilians than to spaniards.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Where did I said we more closer to tanzanians, I just said cush is fake thing and have got abundant of evidences to say so

And now it seems you are considering that its only the language what shapes the ethnicities, but keep in mind that languages are dynamic process that change over time with political and social dynamics, so we need to correlate many things here
If only the language was the factor than Portuguese would have been more closer to brazilians than to spaniards.
Language is a factor but you look at history and common sense of course. Cubsitic languages didn't spread to bantus or arabs. It was spread as far south as tanzania as Cushitic pastoral tribes originating in Sudan migrated and killed off the native hunter gatherers, most likely khoi San.

Portuguese are not closer to Brazilians than to Spaniards due to language because looking at history we know that Brazil has lots of natives and africans mixed with whites who all adopted to Portuguese language due to colonialism. There is no such thing for Cushitic languages as we didn't spread our languages to people who weren't cushite.
You have obviously lots of history of different Cushitic speaking groups conquering and assimilating each other such as oromo who wiped out many Cushitic languages and brought them under a common oromo language through conquest. But those conquered by oromo were already Cushitic.

I'm not saying cush is some sort of unified entity. It's like Latins of Europe who share some sense of closeness compared to others, same with Slavs, turkics.
I just recognise Cushitic as a group of nations of people's. Not a single entity as you say.
Language is a factor but you look at history and common sense of course. Cubsitic languages didn't spread to bantus or arabs. It was spread as far south as tanzania as Cushitic pastoral tribes originating in Sudan migrated and killed off the native hunter gatherers, most likely khoi San.

Portuguese are not closer to Brazilians than to Spaniards due to language because looking at history we know that Brazil has lots of natives and africans mixed with whites who all adopted to Portuguese language due to colonialism. There is no such thing for Cushitic languages as we didn't spread our languages to people who weren't cushite.
You have obviously lots of history of different Cushitic speaking groups conquering and assimilating each other such as oromo who wiped out many Cushitic languages and brought them under a common oromo language through conquest. But those conquered by oromo were already Cushitic.

I'm not saying cush is some sort of unified entity. It's like Latins of Europe who share some sense of closeness compared to others, same with Slavs, turkics.
I just recognise Cushitic as a group of nations of people's. Not a single entity as you say.
I can't keep writing essays arguing over something thats obvious, but do you actually believe in that afars are more closer to us than the amhara, tigray or even the osmotic wolaita? Genetically they aren't and ironically its the opposite, so why we would have to claim exclusive identity together with oromos and afars? The thing doesnt actaully make any sense
Look at the Tutsi of central Africa. They are Cushites almost look exactly like Somali but are surrounded by bantu tribes. This is because Cushites controlled most of the continent from The horn to central Africa to Mozambique while the Khoisan controlled the whole South. The bantu discovered agriculture so their populations exploded and started moving pushing Cushites to the horn and Koisan to the Kalahari.

It happens everywhere in the world. Farming societies always win. Pastrolilsts can't keep up with the populations of farmers.

but we are not that langaab. We are pretty big not as big as Bantu or Semites but we are atleast bigger than Nilotics thanks to Oromo

70 Million is not that small and we will reach 100 million in less than 50 years because of our high birth rate


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Look at the Tutsi of central Africa. They are Cushites almost look exactly like Somali but are surrounded by bantu tribes. This is because Cushites controlled most of the continent from The horn to central Africa to Mozambique while the Khoisan controlled the whole South. The bantu discovered agriculture so their populations exploded and started moving pushing Cushites to the horn and Koisan to the Kalahari.

It happens everywhere in the world. Farming societies always win. Pastrolilsts can't keep up with the populations of farmers.

but we are not that langaab. We are pretty big not as big as Bantu or Semites but we are atleast bigger than Nilotics thanks to Oromo

70 Million is not that small and we will reach 100 million in less than 50 years because of our high birth rate
We will be 400 million by 2100.
All we need is a strong Cushitic state that will make a great push and the cushites will be eating good for centuries to come.

Give me 10 years saxib :Yahuud:
Who is we, why you guys can't stop daydreaming we are just somalis and nothing else, and thats all we care about, no need be proud of fake race thats based on fairytales for its existence

We malis and proud:rejoice: