How do you reconcile your hatred and fear of Bantus whilst insulting and hating other ethnic Somalis?
The socalled "Bantu problem" would not exist if there was no constant clan warfare.
Somali men have caused their own eventual extinction.
Meanwhile, Bantus are industrious and work together. Who do you think Allah approves of more?
The prideful, clannist Somali male who would rather live in the West as a guest of the White man or the Bantu who actually lives IN Somalia?
Man up, go back to Somalia and resolve your silly and petty issues or continue projecting your self-loathing on the Bantus.
Stop the online calaacal and xenophobia.
This world is not for the weak or the internet warrior. Survival of the fittest: may the strongest race win.
The socalled "Bantu problem" would not exist if there was no constant clan warfare.
Somali men have caused their own eventual extinction.
Meanwhile, Bantus are industrious and work together. Who do you think Allah approves of more?
The prideful, clannist Somali male who would rather live in the West as a guest of the White man or the Bantu who actually lives IN Somalia?
Man up, go back to Somalia and resolve your silly and petty issues or continue projecting your self-loathing on the Bantus.
Stop the online calaacal and xenophobia.
This world is not for the weak or the internet warrior. Survival of the fittest: may the strongest race win.
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