Baton rouge police executing another unarmed citizen

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AA will have to learn either have your own country or expect this:dzmxmmb:
Idk why is so hard for them to move to 2-3 states and dominate the demographics then break off and form there own country:gnzbryw:


Suicidal men adore me.
Omg. This is so inhumane and just disgusting. The man was already on the ground why did he had to fire 4 shots? He should lose his job and be prosecuted.
AA will have to learn either have your own country or expect this:dzmxmmb:
Idk why is so hard for them to move to 2-3 states and dominate the demographics then break off and form there own country:gnzbryw:

They already doing that slowly with Georgia.


These dogs need to be stopped. If you're black you're a target no matter if you're successful or poor. They won't hesitate to end your life on the most pointless shit.

Black people need to stand up. Don't fall for the cadaans fake crying on your side. Them and those killing you aren't any different. They're both one of the same.
Wake up. Do something about this as one United people. The more backs cry to the same people that are killing them the sooner they'll go extinct. You think cadaans really care for you? Them fukers are all racist. Those that act like they ain't racist are two faced.

Imagine if black cops went around careless killing jokora cadaans or poor cadaans standing in the streets? You think the crackers would sit back? They'd take out their rifles and start killig any black they see. So why do blacks allow these crackers to keep killing their own?
If blacks were United you think crackers would be killing them for fun like this?

If this generation of blacks today had one ounce of dignity like that of Malcolm X they wouldn't be in this predicament.

All they have is Instagram and Twitter warriors. :snoop:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
What would happen if black cops willy nilly killed unarmed white people? I'm genuinely curious. Would the police departments stand behind the black cops vehemently? Would the outrage be bigger from the public?
What would happen if black cops willy nilly killed unarmed white people? I'm genuinely curious. Would the police departments stand behind the black cops vehemently? Would the outrage be bigger from the public?

Police departments would stand behind the black cops. There would be no outrage, since the media doesn't care. "White cop kills blacks" sells more.
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