BBC Journalist Hana Yusuf

she offed herself, sorry to be blunt shit happens, so much potential and poof gone. Sort your mental health issues out now if you have any, these things are wiping out our generation


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
I was thinking about her just yesterday. Her famous video debating Piers Morgan was on my recommended watch list. She was a beautiful, intelligent young girl. May Allah ease the pain of her family.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
She was obviously murdered by an angry ex, relative or friend. No way such a successful woman would have a drug problem, they probably slipped it into her cup with her unaware.
It says on Wikipedia that she k!lled herself. So sad. Please take care of your mental health everyone, mental health issues are rising in this day and age especially with the younger generation
Stop making stuff up

(narration) of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sahih (authentic) in which it says that “One third of those who are in the grave are there because of the evil eye”?

Evil eye kills why do u think most famous people are depressed and suicidal even though they have everything.
(narration) of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sahih (authentic) in which it says that “One third of those who are in the grave are there because of the evil eye”?

Evil eye kills why do u think most famous people are depressed and suicidal even though they have everything.
Weak hadith

As for "One third of those who are in the grave are there because of the evil eye", There is a narration that states:

ثلث منايا أمتي من العين
"Third of those who are destined death is from the 'ayn"
Al-Albani said it was da'eef in his 'Da'eef al-Jaami', 1054 - and there is another narration with the word 'hasad' instead of 'ayn', but it is also weak.

There is another similar narration:
نصف ما يحفر لأمتي من القبور من العين
"Half of what takes my ummah to their grave is from the 'ayn"
Al 'Araqi said it was very weak in his 'Tarh al-Tathweeb', 8/198. Sakhawi said the chain contained a liar and Al-Albani said it was fabricated.

The other narration:
أكثر من يموت من أمتي بعد كتاب الله و قضائه و قدره بالأنفس
"Many from my ummah who die is from what Allah has written, and from His will and decree and of the 'ayn"
Al-Albani said it was hasan in his 'Silsilat as-Saheehah', 747.

We should get used to reading the daily adhkar and supplications that protect oneself against the evil eye. We can't blame the 'ayn if we allow it to overtake us without taking necessary precautions. And Allah knows best.

