Beesha Banaadiri: We want justice but Somalis are trying to drive us into the ocean

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HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Their leader speaks about the injustice his people are facing @4:44.



The 0.5 alliance is looking to score big in the 2016 elections. :lolbron:
WTF did i listen to? Do they seriously think they own Barawa and Xamar? What kind of delusion:mindblown:

Did this nigga talk about Afgooye being taken from them as well? :weirdo:


Watch all the (0.5) including the Bantus and Bahjuuns in Somalia come together in search to be granted the missing (0.5)
No a single (0.5) would hold a relevant seat in the central government of Somalia.
No Bantu, Cadcad or 0.5 should be allowed to govern their own districts. These people are not ethnic Somalis, so they should remain governed.
As for the Cadcad and admixed Somalis, if your father is cadcad, you stay an cadcad, Teach your women to marry the greater clans, so they can govern you instead. Rather have your rer abti tell you what to do, than me, or anyone of my background. JS.
These people are bonafide Somalis, though. They practice and uphold the culture as well as speak the language better than anyone here. This is nothing more than a sad case of self-hate. There is no need to distance yourself from the beautiful culture and language merely because of the oppressive 4.5 system imposed by the "landhere" tribes in the region.


These people are bonafide Somalis, though. They practice and uphold the culture as well as speak the language better than anyone here. This is nothing more than a sad case of self-hate. There is no need to distance yourself from the beautiful culture and language merely because of the oppressive 4.5 system imposed by the "landhere" tribes in the region.

Forget bootyclappin' you twerking ma niggah. This niggah rejects ethnic Somalis and accepts the rejects.
·{And the recompense of an odious deed is an odious deed the like of it; yet whoever is clement and acts righteously, then his reward is up to Allaah. Surely, He does not love the unjust.}[Quran 42:40]

·{The cause is only against the ones who wrong the people and tyrannize upon the earth without right. Those will have a painful punishment.} [Quran 42:42]

Maxaa dad war u yaala akhiro.


Yall need to stop hating on them the guy @2:05 is old friend of my father he does alot for the somali community here:camby:
The cadcad people should be giving back there properties and cities:camby:


These people are bonafide Somalis, though. They practice and uphold the culture as well as speak the language better than anyone here. This is nothing more than a sad case of self-hate. There is no need to distance yourself from the beautiful culture and language merely because of the oppressive 4.5 system imposed by the "landhere" tribes in the region.

I agree. At the very least they should be able to be represent their people in areas where they are the clear majority. 4.5 system is a joke. It's not even funny how backwards our country's politics is - marginalization and apartheid conditions of the minority tribes seem almost natural and normal.

History is written by the victors though, so these people will always continue to get oppressed until political and social reform happens.
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