Beesha Biimaal of Jamaame & Jilib be warned of Al-shabab

Beesha Biimaal native to Jamaame & lower Jilib need to pledge Allegiance to Amirul Mumineen Ahmed Madoobe. Habargidir is today looking to expand on their lands in Marka #LowerShabelle and tomorrow they will do it to Jamaame under the authority of Mujrim Mahad Karatay

HG militias under the protection of Atmis were defeated in CeelJaale & Marka by Biimaal tribe

Mahad salad is on call with Al-Shabab leader Mahad Karate calling for tribal reinforcements

It’s very sad that The Dirs in the south are cucks for Al-shabab aka HAG and they end up being massacred. Meanwhile the other Minorities like Surre & Samaroon are held on a tight leash by the Iidoors
@SPMLegend Boons dropped 8 of urs and no response akhi, u aint got buisness here. not all 6 were HG btw SNA is diverse.
Illegal expansion hiding behind SNA army. Dir is cursed clan. They are numerous, but they spread all over the horn. Surre is surrounded by by MX and HG, Gudubiris is surrounded by Isaaq and Gaadsan is completely isolated to get any help. from other Dir sub-clans
@SPMLegend Boons dropped 8 of urs and no response akhi, u aint got buisness here. not all 6 were HG btw SNA is diverse.
Knowing the Biimaals, they would 100% guaranteed shoot a Cagdheer between his eyes than their fellow Irir Samaale.

Perhaps our OP should go to jamaame/jilib and convince them there to join their Kenyan slave Ahmed madobe group instead on some obscure forum on internet.


Hawiye and Darood are the ones playing second fiddle in AS. Dir have the leadership and the capital.

Post AS Jilib and jamaame will inevitably be Jarèer territory. They founded both towns and are its majority we should push their brand over Dir.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
From my knowledge of Biimaal they would choose a Hiraab over a OG any day. That's because at least with Hiraab they share irir samaale identity.

Anyways what favour has OG/ Ahmed Madoobe done for Biimaal. They barely have any representation in jubbaland. I've spoken to a lot of Biimaals and they don't even recognise the state of jubbaland as a bonified state and believe they aren't a part of it due to their minimal representation.

Putting aside the internal Irir samaale beef Biimaal and HG have I truly believe they are better off being allies with Hiraab. Axmed Madoobe and OGs have no intentions but to expand into the fertile regions of jilib and Jamaame and claim it as their own.

At least with Hiraab there is a certain level of tolerance and wada noolasho you can have. That certainly doesn't exist with beesha Absame who believe in a Absame dominated jubbaland, with non Absame jubbalanders being reduced as minorites under the mercy of OGs.
Am rooting for hg to take this biimal lands 😂 I remember when they threatened to side with Somaliland and kill Dhulbahante. I have no sympathy towards who wished ill on my people.
HAG have had their boots on the neck of southern Dir for years and yet they see Darod as their enemy. So yes, like you, this is the only time I support HAG. HAG guulaysta against southern anti Darod Dir.


Reer guri
Biimaal look at HG the same way vegeta looks at Frieza. When it comes to politics irir samaale does not exist. But my question is where tf was issaq when hg were doing a number on them? Biimaal cannot expect help from anyone, they need to find some southern alleys quick. No one from hargeisa is gonna fly to marka.


Guul iyo Gobanimo
This is why we will never be able to defeat Al Shabaab when you guys turn everything into a clan war. This is FGS vs AS. Not bimaal against hg vice versa


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
It’s very sad that The Dirs in the south are cucks for Al-shabab aka HAG and they end up being massacred. Meanwhile the other Minorities like Surre & Samaroon are held on a tight leash by the Iidoors
Are you geographically and demographically ignorant?