Beesha Madowweyn spokesman “We are the majority of Benadir and need our rights”

Funny how you claim Jilib and jamame which are on the other side of the river and never even were Oromo land but then attack hawiye for stealing from yar yars, truly no one is less hypocrites than faqash. The mooriyan may be thieves too, but at least they have some shame not to lie as freely as you bedouins
They are the biggest hypocrites brother. They complain about Hawiye stealing government buildings and houses in Xamar in the 90s but will not think twice to do dhulboob to a Bantu in Jubooyinka. At least Hawiye dont hide their Moryaan behaviour but these guys will act like good citizens when they are thieves.
This is good, they should demand their rights. Xamar is their city as much as it is the locals. Soon they will be the largest demographic in the capital. They need to arm themselves first and foremost, then we might actually get a civil war in the south. I will be watching with popcorn.

Southern Somalia is finished, let Congo or Kenya annex it

Another cushitic country soon be extinct, and people have audacity to still say Somalia homogenous lol
Southern Somalia is finished, let Congo or Kenya annex it

Another cushitic country soon be extinct, and people have audacity to still say Somalia homogenous lol
Don't be racist, they are your Somali brothers. They have nothing to do with those Bantu countries, they have assimilated. I love Somali Bantu, peaceful people. I will support their expansion in the south.
Don't be racist, they are your Somali brothers. They have nothing to do with those Bantu countries, they have assimilated. I love Somali Bantu, peaceful people. I will support their expansion in the south.
I wish we had more somali bantus in Somaliland. Very productive and peaceful clan. You will never find Somali Bantu begging.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
The clash between Bantu and HAG is inevitable.
The Bantus who live on HAG land have been doing so for hundreds of years. What makes you think we’re gonna clash because some random Bantu supremacist starts throwing empty threats?

Your also forgetting that the only gobol in Somalia that Bantus arguably make up the majority in is Middle Juba, Jubaland a supposedly Darood state. 1 in 3 people in Kismayo is Bantu. Jubaland has a higher percentage of Bantus than Hirshabelle or SWS. If Bantus were to rebel anywhere in Somalia it will be Jubaland
That is true, the original owners of Jubbaland are Boni-Marehan, Bajuuni, Reewin and Mushunguli (Madoweyn). Alhamdillah, inshallah the invaders from the deserts of PL and Ethiopia brought by MSB and Italian Colonials must be deported immediately. They are foreign shisheeye criminals that are oppressing the true natives.

Boni Marehan are originally Borana and Allah knows what else. Shisheeye? I think you need to shake your family tree really hard before you say that word. Between Hirabu Goita Tedros and Boni people, we don't even know what you are.
Don't be racist, they are your Somali brothers. They have nothing to do with those Bantu countries, they have assimilated. I love Somali Bantu, peaceful people. I will support their expansion in the south.
Not racist, but suprised how deluded all these Somalis especially on this forum are propogating the myth that Somalia is homogenous country

Somalia is as homogenous as the United States of America is

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
Give it 20 years Bantuweyne will conquer all of south Somalia. They are the true winners of the civil war


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
Boni Marehan are originally Borana and Allah knows what else. Shisheeye? I think you need to shake your family tree really hard before you say that word. Between Hirabu Goita Tedros and Boni people, we don't even know what you are.
So what the Boni were original settlers and thats a fact In am glad Beesha MX took them in and we are very inclusive. Unlike the mass majority of Somalis we have transcended petty tribalism. We wuz Original JL :rejoice:


True Puntlander


These people will be a huge problem in these next decades. Cabsi cabsi times ahead. Xamar unaka leh no longer uttered by hutus but by tanzanian coconut heads.. yaahu


True Puntlander
These people will be a huge problem in these next decades. Cabsi cabsi times ahead. Xamar unaka leh no longer uttered by hutus but by tanzanian coconut heads.. yaahu
The funny part is, once upon time. They were with Caydiid side in civil war. Now they start to take guns and aim to HAG. :mjcry: .
Oh lord bless the D&M who see the Jeberti for what they are. Our Jareeŕweyne brothers are hardworking people who identify with the land they live in same with D&M not with their clan. I would have no problems with them having full rights in Xamar.

Guuleysta it is vital to demand your rights.


True Puntlander
Oh lord bless the D&M who see the Jeberti for what they are. Our Jareeŕweyne brothers are hardworking people who identify with the land they live in same with D&M not with their clan. I would have no problems with them having full rights in Xamar.

Guuleysta it is vital to demand your rights.
Caydiid words in 90s :tocry:


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
The Al kabab problem and the Tanzania Question is one and the same, they’re are good people in the city hard workers, skilled laborers that make our lives easier, Xamar or Garowe wouldn’t be built with their sweat but they’re easily manipulated by the well connected H block mooryan as foot soldiers for extortion highway robbery and terrorism

only way to fight AS is to come together make all Hawiye and Darood tribes give up their mooryan sons who are orchestrating this

you can kill millions of Bantu these guys who are running the operating this operation don’t care


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
AS is a business

These guys are the same people building towers and hotels and xamar