Berbera cement plant to be refurbished with construction commencing early next year


Shares open to the public (should sell like hot clinker)

Plant expected to produce 2000 tons of cement per day





This is very good news


Red Sea Cement Factory is a group that unites 58 local companies, mostly those in the cement, energy, real estate, medicine , petroleum and construction industries. From the Sool region to the Awdal region, the owners come from various parts of Somaliland.

Our primary goal is to restore the Berbera cement plant, which was severely damaged during the civil war in 1991.


  1. To fulfill the needs of the country and demand of the local market in Somaliland
  2. To promote awareness of environment and community impacts of quarrying and business operations
  3. To achieve long-term social-economic development in Somaliland
  4. To utilize natural resources effectively and efficiently in Somaliland
  5. To create job opportunity for the local people in Somaliland

Cement Industry in Somaliland

Since 2000, demand for building materials in Somaliland was growth driven by the expansion of the construction sector in the region when the government promoted large-scale infrastructure projects. Reliable regional sources indicate that in 2019, cement use per person increased to 55 kg annually with the potential to reach 200 kg annually. Cement demand has increased over the preceding five years at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7 to 9%.

Today in Somaliland cement industry is becoming one of the potential major roots to promote employment opportunity and increase the tax revenue of the country. Moreover, the cement business can be the source of attracting foreign investors with the profitable opportunities in Somaliland .

Project Value to the Somaliland people

The project will have tremendous development impact for the country, the government and consumers and the investments. The Project Sponsors are responding to the Government’s development strategy, which is supportive of private sector development, national industrial development.

Major expected project benefits include:
  • Imports reduction –As import-substitution project, RSCC will reduce imports and save foreign exchange for the country.
  • Contribution to the government’s objective to develop local natural resources — the project is expected to have a catalytic impact on the country’s fledgling mining sector.
  • Employment generation–Red Sea Cement Factory will employ 300 personnel across management, administrative, skilled and non-skilled roles with further additional jobs in transport, logistics, shipping and other support services.
  • Technology transfer – the project will provide important skills development and specialized training opportunities for nationals. RSCC will liaise and cooperate with the local and national education authorities to develop the plant personnel.
  • Development of management and technical talent – RSCC will cooperate with the Somaliland Universities and Colleges to develop management, technical, non-technical programs for the Somaliland graduates.
  • Promotion of local industries–RSCC will promote the development of a cluster of local industries within the cement industry ecosystem.