Biyamaal commits genocide against HG

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Rest In Peace Habargidir. We are now weakest clan.
Biyamaal cats kill us left and right,

Heading the Ajuran Path
Habargidir Empire 1991-2008
Ruling from Gaalkaacyo till Kismaayo
I dont see any burnt villages or mass graves.All I see is dead corpses of ex militia being dragged on the floor and thats a culture HG taught others.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Ruling gaalkacyo to kismaayo. :eek:

Don't think so.

This was also no where near a genocide, although I do not support the unnecessary violence. Let's not get too carried away here.

I hope there'll be peace soon in s/h asap.
Miski the war is not ordinary.It was manufactured from Villa Somalia.
How come there is no communiwue from Villa Somalia?

Why was Villa Somalia more outspoken about the war in Galkacyo? Mise residents of L Shabelle are lesser equal?

Where is Sharif Sakin? This nut head was travelling to Galkacyo trying to broker a peacr deal but in his turf he is as silent as a lamp post.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Miski the war is not ordinary.It was manufactured from Villa Somalia.
How come there is no communiwue from Villa Somalia?

Why was Villa Somalia more outspoken about the war in Galkacyo? Mise residents of L Shabelle are lesser equal?

Where is Sharif Sakin? This nut head was travelling to Galkacyo trying to broker a peacr deal but in his turf he is as silent as a lamp post.

Yes I think so. He pretty much doesn't speak out about anything that goes on south of afgooye. Remember when Amisom killed innocent civilians? He doesn't care.

Where is the evidence that HSM is manufacturing this? According to people he's been behind every clan skirmish on either side. That just isn't feasible.

I don't have a lot of information about this particular area but what I do know is that both 'sides' have a lot of weaponry and it's going to get ugly before it gets better.


HutuKing you are mistaken Biyomaal isn't killing HG, they are killing ceyr. Come off it, stop acting like the whole HG are fighting because if they were you know damn well they would destroy biyomaal in 2.5 seconds. (Not advocating for violence)
HG subclans take turns causing carnage and robbing villages every decade. First it was sacad in the 90s and now it's cayr. These people should Stop this primitive culture.
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