Black Hawk video game coming out (Its over)

The ironic thing is no one would do this about Ukraine or many other countries. This is just sick.

Does anyone know why the sudden black hawk down interest? I know teh US has always talked on and on about it but this is rather random.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
The ironic thing is no one would do this about Ukraine or many other countries. This is just sick.

Does anyone know why the sudden black hawk down interest? I know teh US has always talked on and on about it but this is rather random.
It was a millitary disaster similar to Vietnam and America has been involved in way to much conflicts for people to remember only ones that are famous are because of Hollywood

How many people remember the Kosovo war it was 25 years ago but it has been totally forgotten
The ironic thing is no one would do this about Ukraine or many other countries. This is just sick.

Does anyone know why the sudden black hawk down interest? I know teh US has always talked on and on about it but this is rather random.
You could literally play COD on nuked out Ukrainian maps for the past ten years 😂


Americans are ignorants and slave to media.

USA just want to wash their humiliation.

AUN all fighters who fought these western invaders.

