Blacks steal water in London meant for marathon

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"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
Anything to avoid the dirty tap water of London. Btw, I think the bottled water was being given away for free by Buxton, you can even see their reps in the crowd.

Dailyfail waa xaaramiyin and their use of certain derogatory words towards blacks walahi it's just pure xaasidnimo.:Sutehja:


Your superior
Anything to avoid the dirty tap water of London. Btw, I think the bottled water was being given away for free by Buxton, you can even see their reps in the crowd.

Dailyfail waa xaaramiyin and their use of certain derogatory words towards blacks walahi it's just pure xaasidnimo.:Sutehja:

Read the article again, the event director says it was stealing
Why is @waraabe blind? there's even a video of it on twitter and whites, asians and blacks are taking it and it isn't stealing. The marathon was over & there's free water. Has anybody had a taste of London water? Taste like crap and if you leave it in a cup after a while, the taste is even worse.

Back to my issue. @waraabe, as this is my first day here, I'm just gonna earmark you as anti-black :pacspit:

This happens every year in the london marathon. They bring water in trucks, but do not bother to take left overs back when its over. And there's whites, asians included in this.
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