Bloated government

Why does a government reliant on aid with barely any control outside of Xamar have 25 ministries? A lot of people in government are just there to collect a cheque. A bunch of these could be removed and I don't think there would be any difference.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation
Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs
Ministry of Planning Investment and Economic Development
Ministry of Ports and Marine Transport
Ministry of Air Transport and Aviation
Ministry of Communication & Technology
Ministry of Livestock Forestry and Range
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Ministry of Public Works and Reconstruction
Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs
Ministry of Women and Human Rights
Ministry of Internal Security
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources
Ministry of Youth and Sports
Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism
Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Ministry of Energy and Water Resources
Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources
Ministry of Environment and Climate change

Need something like this



All those ministries and not a single one for standardising the Somali language. When I see a somali comment 50% chance i cant understand it because of my novice skills, because when theres two vowels they drop one, and when theres one vowel they just drop it entirely, and they use that across a whole paragraph with 0 punctuation and 0 separation between clauses :icon mad:

