Bombshell! Ethiopian Minister Redwan Hussain Says HSM & All Relevant Parties Knew About The MoU Beforehand!

"The relevant countries and institutions have already recognized the agreement; But they are trying to look ignorant „ - Ambassador Redwan Hussain
What does the Prime Minister's National Security Adviser Redwan Hussain have to say about the MoU between Ethiopia and Somaliland? "Ethiopia seemed to have an opportunity in relation to the sea gate from the north. When everyone talks about the Sea Gate, it is the Red Sea. When talking about the sea, it is Eritrea; If you talk about the sea, think about it. We have taken a new direction to reverse this now. Ethiopia has opportunities around it, and it has the capacity to use the opportunities around it. She has a good will and background to share. In one way or another, Ethiopia should have a single sea gate that many people have been buying. There is not much observation that Ethiopia is looking for something unfair, which says, "Don't clash, don't create problems, and patiently follow the peaceful path." It has been possible to make the agenda that Ethiopia's needs and concerns are correct, its public support is correct, its economy is correct, and the problem of the region is correct. ... Until we signed this signature (with Somaliland), the research that was being done by UN institutions, information sources of some big countries, and NGOs called our Think Tank was that the Ethiopian government would either invade Eritrea or Somaliland would create a disturbance through the Awdal region and devastate the region. On top of this, we know of a draft that was submitted and returned before the draft became official. We know who's doing this, we know they're in it #ኢትዮጵያውያን . So what the big countries lost; Whenever we meet them, they say that we don't want war, we don't want to fight, and we don't believe you. So when they thought they were going to fight here, we came this way in peace. ... Since the government announced its intention, an envoy has been sent twice to neighboring countries, generally to East African countries. What they don't know is when Musabehi will come (to Addis Ababa) and whether the Sher issue and the recognition issue will be included in the MoU. Therefore, they did not give meaning to this issue because they took it as if we were wandering around the area. Now when it comes, people are shocked, but you create problems through the fear of most people #በአሰብ , so we have enough problems on our hands, there is Ukraine, there is Gaza, if you add us, do it peacefully and we will help you, I don't think the angle of predictability deficit is correct. We have explained the matter to each concerned government. "
It doesn't matter if HSM knew this or even approved this. The fact is no individual be HSM or Bihi has the authority to sell our waters. Muse Bihi may have tricked HSM into approving a deal between Somalia , Ethiopia and Somaliland that has nothing to do with Somaliland-Ethiopia port deal. I knew HSM was walking into trap when he was meeting with Bihi and IOG


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
I don’t believe anything these raw meat eaters say. Their clearly trying to mitigate the political disaster that they have created for themselves. I’m sure you also believe that Iraq had MWD during the American invasion.

You fucking langaab stop spreading Ethiopian xaar, this is not Ethiopia spot, if you love these raw meat eaters so much and hate Somalis and Somalia so much may I suggest you leave us, bye bye, I'm sure no one would miss you seccesionists filth :pacspit::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:
I mean if you really want to seperate from us, it's only fair to start leaving sspot as well, please take your retarded Oromo friend @Garaad Awal with you.. Go join Ethiopian forums and spread your fantastic proganda over there I'm sure you'll be more welcome there with your diarrhea.
Look at the diarrhea this guy links to. There's no Somalia if SL gets recognition so HSM doesn't have anything to gain in this scenario. There will be at least 4 more states declaring their independence. No one in the IC wants to see 5 nations emerge from a single ethnicity when most countries in Africa are struggling to keep together their different ethnicities including the ones you want to sell Somalilands to.


Relax punks it's just politicians all taking care of their financial rewards and keeping their ppl busy in fictional external conflict in Ethiopia and Somalia, the ethio citizens need hope given their going to have a port and not have their trade hostage to Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea while embattled leaders in Mogadishu and hargeisa need to deflect their incompetence on the useful ethio enemy is taking our sea distraction following in siyad barre ethio jambal war as opposition sentiment was rising. Somalis love the useful ethio enemy to deflect from their incompetence. It's just a damn MOU or gentleman agreement and has no legal weight and will just be ripped up later by next president when Muse, HSM, Abi Ahmed achieve their financial and stay in power objectives.
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But this MOU is scary that such things can even been done as they maybe testing public sentiment on how quick or slow their grand goal of Hussein aideed ethio Iyo Somalia wa walalo project can happen as he started this vision which HSM and Farmajo continued it, these type of MOU is just mere testing public sentiment and backlash and is being ordered by western intelligence agencies thru their govt pressuring they want a Horn of Africa bloc, their doing the same with Sahelian bloc, East Africa Bloc, North Africa bloc, South African bloc. It starts with first easing trade, then sports integration, one visa and settlement for all the horn ppl, then exchanging churches and mosques across each other territories, then merging languages lol.

Even the UK said f*ck this one Europe project as one or few nations will dominate it like France and Germany do in the EU and some nations will be swallowed up with immigration and displaced like happened to the UK thru eastern europeans coming while all they got in return was cheap dental and surgeries from East Europe and wasn't worth the trade off.

Somalia is going to lose so many jobs to these east African bloc and horn bloc as all technical jobs will be given to them and they re invest in their country while sucking you dry and then they want to say to you we are pan Africans and your scumbag hateful nationalist fascist and fascism will return and nationalist winning power in Somalia even tho their scumbags who are so incompetent they want to deflect it on useful external enemies to keep public backlash from them.