Boocame Valley

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot





Garaad diinle

 
Are these dairy cattle's i see on these photos? They're known for producing lots of milk when did somalis get their hands on them? Can they acclimate to the harsh climate of the dry season in somalia?


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Are these dairy cattle's i see on these photos? They're known for producing lots of milk when did somalis get their hands on them? Can they acclimate to the harsh climate of the dry season in somalia?

They're Holstein-Friesians. They've been bred to produce lots of milk. As much 30-40 liters a day if fed well enough. Insane, I know. Somali dairy companies in both the north and the south have been importing them for a while now but, as far as I know, they've mostly kept them in closely controlled and monitored feed-lot environments at their dairy factories/facilities. I've never seen them just wandering around like this. In that case you normally just see the native Boran cattle breeds. Holsteins are not well adapted to our climate and environment at all. Odd stuff but this area seems green and not too hot so they might be able to do well.

Garaad diinle

 
They're Holstein-Friesians. They've been bred to produce lots of milk. As much 30-40 liters a day if fed well enough. Insane, I know. Somali dairy companies in both the north and the south have been importing them for a while now but, as far as I know, they've mostly kept them in closely controlled and monitored feed-lot environments at their dairy factories/facilities. I've never seen them just wandering around like this. In that case you normally just see the native Boran cattle breeds. Holsteins are not well adapted to our climate and environment at all. Odd stuff but this area seems green and not too hot so they might be able to do well.
Everyday!!! I can only consume as much as three liters a week. These cows must be the closest thing we have to a real-life golden duck that lays golden eggs.



بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Everyday!!! I can only consume as much as three liters a week. These cows must be the closest thing we have to a real-life golden duck that lays golden eggs.


Holstein cows give more milk than any other dairy breed in the U.S. The average Holstein cow produces around 23,000 pounds of milk, or 2,674 gallons, of milk each lactation. With a standard lactation lasting 305 days, that comes out to 75 pounds, or almost 9 gallons of milk per cow per day.

Western cattle breeds like them and the Jersey (delicious creamy milk in comparison) are unbelievable indeed. Westerners went basically eugenics on their asses until they produced the most milk producing breed possible. But I guess the trade-off is that they need a lot of feed, a lot of water and are not as hardy as native cattle breeds like our own Boran types.

feed intake—about 18-20 pounds daily, and 3. feed conversion—about 6-7 up to 1,000 pounds Above 1,000 pounds of live weight, feed conversion for Holstein steers is much higher (less efficient). Dressing percentage is generally 6-8 percent lower for Holsteins compared with beef breeds.

Of this amount, drinking water provides 80 to 90% of these needs with the remainder coming from moisture found in feeds. For example, a Holstein cow producing 60 lbs of milk would drink approximately 25 to 30 gallons of water daily. Dry dairy cows will consume 10 to 15 gallons of water daily.

But farmers, if I'm not mistaken, save on costs by mostly feeding them agricultural waste-products found to be unsuitable or downright inedible for humans and/or of course grass across abundant pastures alongside overwhelmingly letting them drink "green water". Contrary to Vegan bleating, 90% of what these guys consume is utterly useless to us as Humans and they're actually doing an incredible thing by taking inedible stuff like grass and water that would likely give you a bad stomach and turning it into the most bioavailable and nutrient dense foods known to man like meat and milk.
