Borana saviors of Somalis

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i know somalis are the most ungrateful bunch on the planet but we should be grateful for Borana. this tribe single handily guard our southern flank. in the 16th century, this tribe destroyed the Bantu driving to the Tana river, the Mushinguli forest and highland of Kenya. NFD is "Cushitic" because of them and the Warday. they also prevented migration of the Nilotic tribes into southern Ethiopia and Somalia fight several war with them throughout the 17th century. they drove the ancestors of the Masai, Sumburu, Pokomo, Turkana, Kalenjin away from our land into the rift valley and highland of Kenya. they stops Somali migration across the jubba river for 100 years. do you know what they called the ogaden when they first met them, Aji. it possible that some of the Borana were part of the Ajuraan confederation because they kept up many complex water management and water laws. only after disease, plague and famine had laid them low did the somalis conquer the jubba river in the 1850.

so give acknowledgment where it do, the oromo prepared Jubba and Tana basin for the somalis. we are dominant people today because of them.


We don't need oromos if anything they should be thankful to us if I remember correctly it was us who weakened the most powerful ethnic group in Africa at that time the habash and as for the migration of the naked bantus:ftw9nwa:
Why would we be scared when we were the most militarized group in Africa and the most modern weapons unlike us the bantus didn't have connections to the outside world like us even if they did there useless and weak:ftw9nwa:
The bantus should be thankful the white man came or we would own all of Africa today:ftw9nwa:
We don't need oromos if anything they should be thankful to us if I remember correctly it was us who weakened the most powerful ethnic group in Africa at that time the habash and as for the migration of the naked bantus:ftw9nwa:
Why would we be scared when we were the most militarized group in Africa and the most modern weapons unlike us the bantus didn't have connections to the outside world like us even if they did there useless and weak:ftw9nwa:
The bantus should be thankful the white man came or we would own all of Africa today:ftw9nwa:

True from 1500-1550, we destroy kingdom of Abbysinia and open the flood gates. they swarmed into the rift valley and central highland because of us. but by 1550, Amir Nur had die from plague and oromo had swallow up Harar. it was also during this time the Portuguese where trawling the entire coast. they build a fortress in the Socotra. They had attack aden, sack Zeylac thrice, sack Barbara, Barawa, Merka. cut us off from the islamic world and ottomans until the 1700 when a detente was establish between the Portuguese and ottomans. during that time trade had been suppressed for 100 year, so no modern weapons. until the 1800 the only entity in horn with guns were the Tigray due to the slave trade. so no new weapons, no political entity to knitted together the feuding clans and you have a recipe for disaster. I wouldn't crow as loudly. you forget that Bantu have numerical strength, they had conquer half the continent. they had steel weapons and farming technology while the entire land to north of the jubba was in a state of flux: Rahanwayn, Hawiya and Ogaden were also migrating during this time.
We don't need oromos if anything they should be thankful to us if I remember correctly it was us who weakened the most powerful ethnic group in Africa at that time the habash and as for the migration of the naked bantus:ftw9nwa:
Why would we be scared when we were the most militarized group in Africa and the most modern weapons unlike us the bantus didn't have connections to the outside world like us even if they did there useless and weak:ftw9nwa:
The bantus should be thankful the white man came or we would own all of Africa today:ftw9nwa:

You obviously don't know much history.


True from 1500-1550, we destroy kingdom of Abbysinia and open the flood gates. they swarmed into the rift valley and central highland because of us. but by 1550, Amir Nur had die from plague and oromo had swallow up Harar. it was also during this time the Portuguese where trawling the entire coast. they build a fortress in the Socotra. They had attack aden, sack Zeylac thrice, sack Barbara, Barawa, Merka. cut us off from the islamic world and ottomans until the 1700 when a detente was establish between the Portuguese and ottomans. during that time trade had been suppressed for 100 year, so no modern weapons. until the 1800 the only entity in horn with guns were the Tigray due to the slave trade. so no new weapons, no political entity to knitted together the feuding clans and you have a recipe for disaster. I wouldn't crow as loudly. you forget that Bantu have numerical strength, they had conquer half the continent. they had steel weapons and farming technology while the entire land to north of the jubba was in a state of flux: Rahanwayn, Hawiya and Ogaden were also migrating during this time.
You are overrating these naked bantus they could have all the numbers they want there fucking useless habash>>>>>> bantus if sub clans of somalis can handle habash were fine against bunch of bantus:ftw9nwa:
You are overrating these naked bantus they could have all the numbers they want there fucking useless habash>>>>>> bantus if sub clans of somalis can handle habash were fine against bunch of bantus:ftw9nwa:
ignorance is bliss, it cost much to live in delusion. our ancestors told we are the indomitable somalis, if we were so great how come those barefoot Bantu rule most of africa while we are stuck in the horn. malinti, that somali flag flies over nairobi while be the day you bloated ego deserve respect until than somalis are "the king without clothes".
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You are overrating these naked bantus they could have all the numbers they want there fucking useless habash>>>>>> bantus if sub clans of somalis can handle habash were fine against bunch of bantus:ftw9nwa:

From 500 B.C.E, some Bantu-speaking people began migrating south and east from a region south of the Sahara near the present-day Cameron. By 500 B.C.E, the Bantu population were firmly established in the savanna region near Congo (formerly Zaire) River in what is today known as northern Angola. There they cultivated the land using the iron-technology they brought, raise animals, made iron tools and weapons to conquer the indigenous San people (Bushmen), and developed a complex social and political systems.
The Kingdom of Kongo was formed around 1375. Traditions collected in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries attribute the foundation of the kingdom to a mythical hero Ntinu Lukeni (circa 1380-1420) who, coming from the north, crossed the Zaïre river and conquered the area south of it. According to Historian Jean Cuvelier "Lukeni lua Nimi or Nimi a Lukeni, became the founder of Kongo when he conquered the kingdom of the Mwene Kabunga (or Mwene Mpangala), which lay upon a mountain to his south, after crossing Nzadi from his father's kingdom on the north bank, the historical kingdom of Vungu. The original inhabitants of the area were large-headed dwarfs called BaMbakambaka, Mbwidi-Mbodila, and BaFula Mengo. He transferred his rule to this mountain, the Mongo dia Kongo or "mountain of Kongo", and made Mbanza Kongo, the town there, his capital. Two centuries later the Mwene Kabunga's descendants still symbolically challenged the conquest in an annual celebration. The rulers that followed Lukeni all claimed some form of relation to his kanda or lineage and were known as the Kilukeni. The Kilukeni kanda or "house" as recorded in Portuguese documents would rule Kongo unopposed until 1567." The king of Kongo thereafter was the embodiment of the cosmological world of the Bakongo, he had direct links with the forces that affected its prosperity, he controlled the weather, he could summon the dead, and he was able to bless his subjects with a movement of his fingers.


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