I Grided up Hargeisa and Bosaso into small boxes using a grid to measure density, more houses fitted in the boxes in Bosaso then in Hargeisa which I believe is because hargeisa sprawls but has less houses due to wide space in between homes. Hargeisa has nothing like the density of Bosaso.
Area measurements do not account for density, bosaso is far more dense. Hargeisa and Bosaso is comparable to Manhattan(Bosaso) of New york, manhattan is smaller in area size then Washington DC(Hargeisa) due to washington dc sprawling due to spacing, but manhattan has twice the population size due to density and fitting more houses and people inside it's area.
Bosaso is much larger then Hargeisa guys, the area measurements do not account for population it only tells you it's 'area kilometer only' it doesn't give accurate information on population density and how many people and houses are in that city per grid boxes.
This matter is settled. Bosaso Second largest city in Somalia. Hargeisa is Third. Then Galkacyo is Fourth and Burco is fifth. What throws out Somaliland population is they're tuulos and mid sized districts are tiny and not numerous like Puntland where their tuulos are massive and numerous and we can calculate and add all that up. The other thing is the nomadic population, we must account for these guys because 80% of our economy is from nomads, so their 80% of the population, we don't source our GDP from cities at all due to them being far smaller in size and number to rural folks.
We know how large Puntland land mass is and how numerous our livestocks are and water wells and sand dams and water catchment facilities which indicates their must be a large population out there. The economics of somalia also confirms 80% of our population live in rural areas or else why do they represent 80% of our economy? We know Isaaq have no nomads because they only have ONE dam, if you had so many nomads why one dam? we have 15 dams in Puntland.
We have 55 water wells just in abdiweli time and his saying we still need at least 500 just to break even on the population water needs indicating how large the population size is. Somaliland never digs wells indicating there nomad population is not significant. So their not in the race for 80% of somalia population being in the rural population.
Then look at the diaspora and how numerous majerten is, plus account for how the largest city of in the western diaspora is minneapolis and majerten as more proof. Look at our conference sizes vs somaliland conference sizes. Somaliland conference size is similar to when osman maxamud holds a conference and that's all somaliland meeting lol.
Have we settled who is larger on Isaaq and Majerten or do we need to bring more proof?
Area measurements do not account for density, bosaso is far more dense. Hargeisa and Bosaso is comparable to Manhattan(Bosaso) of New york, manhattan is smaller in area size then Washington DC(Hargeisa) due to washington dc sprawling due to spacing, but manhattan has twice the population size due to density and fitting more houses and people inside it's area.
Bosaso is much larger then Hargeisa guys, the area measurements do not account for population it only tells you it's 'area kilometer only' it doesn't give accurate information on population density and how many people and houses are in that city per grid boxes.
This matter is settled. Bosaso Second largest city in Somalia. Hargeisa is Third. Then Galkacyo is Fourth and Burco is fifth. What throws out Somaliland population is they're tuulos and mid sized districts are tiny and not numerous like Puntland where their tuulos are massive and numerous and we can calculate and add all that up. The other thing is the nomadic population, we must account for these guys because 80% of our economy is from nomads, so their 80% of the population, we don't source our GDP from cities at all due to them being far smaller in size and number to rural folks.
We know how large Puntland land mass is and how numerous our livestocks are and water wells and sand dams and water catchment facilities which indicates their must be a large population out there. The economics of somalia also confirms 80% of our population live in rural areas or else why do they represent 80% of our economy? We know Isaaq have no nomads because they only have ONE dam, if you had so many nomads why one dam? we have 15 dams in Puntland.
We have 55 water wells just in abdiweli time and his saying we still need at least 500 just to break even on the population water needs indicating how large the population size is. Somaliland never digs wells indicating there nomad population is not significant. So their not in the race for 80% of somalia population being in the rural population.
Then look at the diaspora and how numerous majerten is, plus account for how the largest city of in the western diaspora is minneapolis and majerten as more proof. Look at our conference sizes vs somaliland conference sizes. Somaliland conference size is similar to when osman maxamud holds a conference and that's all somaliland meeting lol.
Have we settled who is larger on Isaaq and Majerten or do we need to bring more proof?