Bosaso Port flow of goods and ships came to stop in the past four days

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Businessmen refuse to conduct operations at the port due to Gaas and some of his ministers setting up a company that they dubbed ‚‘Quality Control‘ whereby businessmen have to pay large amount of sums for their goods to be checked.

The catch is that those wanting the money and acting as a legitimate agency/company do not have proper equipment and just want money.

Therefore the businessmen rejected and as a consequence Bosaso Port is vacant.
Bosaso Port operations came to a complete halt for the past four days.

Saalax what is more ridiculous after 7 days of the port not operating today the Commerce Minister announced that the costs will be carried by the administration.

In other words more money can be taken from the state coffers and corrupted without challenge.
Radio Daljir on how it was resolved

Khilaaf u dhaxeyaay Ganacsatada Puntland & Hay’adda Tayodhowrka Puntland oo la Xaliyay (dhegayso/Sawiro)
Maxamed Lakiman
2 daqiiqo ago

Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Warshadda Puntland ayaa maanta sheegtay in la xaliyaay Khilaaf u dhaxeyaay Ganacsatadda Puntland ee Bagaashka kala so dagga Dekadda Boosaaso iyo Hay’adda Tayodhowrka Puntland,iyado khilaafkas uu sababay in 7 malmood Dekadda Boosaso shaqooyinkeedi Caadiga ahaa istaagan.

Wasiirka Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha Puntland Cabdweli Xirsi Indhaguran iyo qaar kamid ah Ganacstadda Puntland oo Shir’aad ku qabtay Boosaaso ayaa sheegay in lasoo afjaray khilaafkas.

Wariye Xasan heykal ayaa Boosaaso kaso diray Warbixintan





Norwegian it is ‘quality control‘ a bogus company set up by corrupt Gaas and his cronies the businessmen would not have it and today the minister said the administration will carry the costs.


השבח לאל
Gas is a crafty man. Unlike other politicians who just walk out of the treasury with their wagons of cash he sets up laundering companies for his money. He didn't go to Harvard for nothing!
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