

I noticed landers tend to have the most 'hate' towards Bosaso. It's pure jealousy and envy they have of this business hub. Let this video make u cry another 100 years waryaa. Notice she said 'I been to other cities in Somalia and they don't have roads like Bosaso' lol. Let that sink in waryaa XAAR-GAY-SA

Bosaso is a beautiful city it has such an amazing vibe and atmosphere. Its architecture is also very different to the rest of somalia I think alot of influence from oman.

I get a middle eastern city energy when am there. If they made bosaso capital it would've been extraordinary but I think garoowe took some of the limelight and development away.


@scarecrow I think Garowe was chosen for a number reasons.

1. It's strategic. It can be defended from all sides of PL. From las anod, Galkacyo, Bosaso/Qardho. It's in the middle of our state and protected on all sides basically.

2. Galkacyo has the 'central trade lifeline' and Bosaso the 'port'. Garowe was suitable as political hub, separated from bosaso and galkacyo business influence

3. Federalism concepts were also likely at play. We probably didn't want to put all our 'eggs' into one area like Bosaso or Galkacyo, having separation of duties leads to better chances of survival. It's harder to destroy a state when they are not all contained into one area like mogadishu/hargeisa being both political and business combined. Noticed Kismayo even 'separated' it's official political capital also to 'bu'ale'.

4. The weather factor in Garowe is better then Bosaso also plus security aspect of Galkacyo ruled it out also.

5. Garowe has a middle ground 'status' between Bosaso n Galkacyo. Bosaso is very open to Somalis to the point it was called 'Bosaso deeqa', this has led it to suffer the problems of being so 'open'. Where-as Galkacyo is very 'bitter and extreme' in it's social fabric.

Garowe is known to have both the bosaso 'lets build on one hand while having galkacyo mentality of 'defence' on the other hand'. So we possibly cross appealed to both areas very well is my view to select Garowe as the capital. We are not as open as bosaso and not as closed minded as galkacyo, we have a moderate ground


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Landhere @DR OSMAN ilahaye ha ku so hanuniyo mujahid bah dubeeys
Lovely, I can see they are planting trees everywhere!

Bosaso needs a few more things in order to be stunning. Colour scheme, White only, none of this multi-coloured tackiness. Pavements are a must, I can still see some dusty side roads. In addition, those ugly little shops with handwritten signs must be dealt with.


Lovely, I can see they are planting trees everywhere!

Bosaso needs a few more things in order to be stunning. Colour scheme, White only, none of this multi-coloured tackiness. Pavements are a must, I can still see some dusty side roads. In addition, those ugly little shops with handwritten signs must be dealt with.

I agree pavements especially 'brick' is needed and it's so cheap, less then 10 cents a brick. I am not sure why they haven't paved every side-walk, it makes no sense since it's financially cheap to do so.

Infact for 2k you can get 10,000 bricks from China. The other thing I noticed is those 'bibito', they need to be knocked down for the sake of the city urban plan. They should be made illegal and knocked down immediately. It gives a 'soweto' feel.

I would tell all those disgusting metal shops to upgrade their market stall with canopies at least such as this for $15 bought at bulk

Anyone not using that horrendous tin shack tea shops I would knock it down. I would tell them to use a 'canopy' style.

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Lovely, I can see they are planting trees everywhere!

Bosaso needs a few more things in order to be stunning. Colour scheme, White only, none of this multi-coloured tackiness. Pavements are a must, I can still see some dusty side roads. In addition, those ugly little shops with handwritten signs must be dealt with.
I agree pavements especially 'brick' is needed and it's so cheap, less then 10 cents a brick. I am not sure why they haven't paved every side-walk, it makes no sense since it's financially cheap to do so.

Infact for 2k you can get 10,000 bricks from China. The other thing I noticed is those 'bibito', they need to be knocked down for the sake of the city urban plan. They should be made illegal and knocked down immediately. It gives a 'soweto' feel.

I would tell all those disgusting metal shops to upgrade their market stall with canopies at least such as this for $15 bought at bulk

Anyone not using that horrendous tin shack tea shops I would knock it down. I would tell them to use a 'canopy' style.


That would not work in 40 degree heat, it would disintegrate, change colour and end up looking like Soweto lol



If that material doesn't with-stand the heat, how does 'clothes' with-stand it which is made of similar materials like 'polyster'? the canopy uses polyester and last time I checked unless u burn it, it with-stands many environments. I am not sure how much 'degrees' it can handle but I would guess it's above 200 degrees before it tears apart, maybe we can go to PL labs and test it under 'heat' and find out.

Bedouins and Mongols were using this sort of material for centuries for their tents and it seems to hold. The other thing is, they already have these 'stalls' with 'covering' as umbrella stands already in Bosaso market place.

If that material doesn't with-stand the heat, how does 'clothes' with-stand it which is made of similar materials like 'polyster'? the canopy uses polyester and last time I checked unless u burn it, it with-stands many environments. I am not sure how much 'degrees' it can handle but I would guess it's above 200 degrees before it tears apart, maybe we can go to PL labs and test it under 'heat' and find out.

Bedouins and Mongols were using this sort of material for centuries for their tents and it seems to hold. The other thing is, they already have these 'stalls' with 'covering' as umbrella stands already in Bosaso market place.

' clothes' that people wear arent under direct sun the entire day, I presume people aren't standing in the same spot morning to noon lol.

Anyway yes testing might be a good idea to see which material can withstand and keep its quality overtime.

I think Mongolians used animal skin or carpet coverings made from sheep's wool.